Monday, July 10, 2017

Memo, Mail & Me: It's Monday July 10th

Good morning & hello to any of those still doing a Monday check in.


Received: in the mail my renewed driver's license & this time the photo has my eyes open.  I'm good for 5 more years!

Reading:  The Magpie Murders - it's a story within a story & my favourite part is the who done it within story, which is the magpie murders.  I would recommend.

Adventure: Mr Man & I have found another new to us tea house, Miss Jenny's Tea House.  When we arrived our hostess instructed us to pick our own tea cup from the selection on the sideboard.  Mr Man has discovered through our sipping adventures, that he likes cucumber & cream cheese sandwiches; me, I'll take another scone thank you very much.

Hygge: Over the last week & weekend we were on vacation so we spent a lot of time on the patio, reading, sipping, snoozing.  There was also lots of little jobs done in the garden - it's been rather dry this past 10 days, so we needed to water the gardens.  We leave the lawns to fend for themselves.

Seems like we aren't the only ones relaxing during the vacation week.
Smokey Puss

In Bloom:  the delphiniums are having a marvelous bloom time.  It's the first time they have not toppled over & I think it's because there hasn't been any rainy windy storms. 

Looking Ahead: I feel refreshed & ready to tackle the next two weeks of training new clinic staff.  I have spaced out their start dates so I can give each one a week of my attention to get them started successfully.

Hope everyone has a glorious week ahead & my thought for the week is; What lies behind us & what lies ahead of us are tiny matters compared to what lives within us ... Henry David Thoreau



  1. Happy Monday to you! It looks like you've had a lovey week off. The Magpie Murders have been on my list for a few weeks now. I'm off to the library website to see if it's available. I just finished Camino Island by John Grisham and am reading Celine by Peter Heller--both mysteries I can recommend.

    1. Karen I also read Camino Island & liked. I'll look for Celine at the library later today. Happy week ahead.

  2. Happy Monday! I'm all for a spot of hygge!

  3. Replies
    1. A favourite for me too! I have 3 clumps & they all flower at a different time, which is nice because it prolongs the beauty. I would like to find & buy the King Arthur varieties. I think is five in the series.

  4. I do love that first picture. I feel a bit guilty that I am not keeping the Monday thing going but it just doesn't seem the same without Sian. I see her occasionally on Instagram but it's just not the same as her blogging.

    1. The first photo is Cleome which can sometimes be quite lovely & I like that they self seed. I imagine Mondays will forever be different & I miss her too.

  5. Im guilty of letting the Mondays pass without a 'check-in' not that I am even close to a regular like your lovely Monday group.... but I still loved that connection through Sian. I had not really taken a lot of notice of the word Hygge until my kids bought me a book with that I encounter it often.... I think it sums up what I love too.. x

  6. Catching up today - that is a great Thoreau quote and your delphiniums are beautiful!!
