Saturday, August 05, 2017

5 in 5 On The 5th - August

Five In Five On The 5th is Sandi's lovely meme, please join with me in seeing what everyone else has shared at : itchifingers

My five today for this month are about the high winds & the signs of such.

The wind blew over one of the patio chairs:

The wind is blowing the flag straight out:

The wind blew the planter right off the stand:

The wind is blowing the milkweeed plant over:
The wind blew this flag right off the fence:



  1. Oh you too? It's been so tempestuous here, one of my runner bean tripods went over. I can't get it to stand up now, despite adding more canes!

  2. Yes I have had wind issues here too ( !) . Some of my cosmos has broken off and as you will seen from my 5 in 5 someone has been busy securing plants.

  3. We've been spared that kind of wind, fortunately, but we're getting a LOT of rain again.

  4. Wow, it does look like y'all have had some wind there!
    Great idea for five photos!

  5. Oh my - that is a lot of wind - great documentation though. Hope all is calmer now.

  6. We had wind that day too - it seems it was a big puff!! Great photos of what it left behind.
    Thank you for sharing these and taking part, it has taken me time to visit as I have been away.
