Wednesday, April 06, 2022



In keeping with my own thoughts around my OLW & moving out of my COVID coma, these quotes really resonated with me this week.

Steps in the right direction can turn out to be the best & biggest steps of your life.  Tip toe if you must, but make the step.

which pairs nicely with:

Walk gently in the lives of others, not all wounds are visible.


  1. These are so true, I am especially aware of the need to take the advice of the last one, it's so easy to say the wrong thing to someone when you don't know what they are going through.

  2. I think the first one sums up exactly where I am as I try to expand my life after the lockdowns.

  3. I liked your comment on Anvilcloud's blog post! I came to visit!
    (ツ) from Cottage Country Ontario , ON, Canada!

  4. Inspiring quotes. Making the steps can be hard.

  5. I like the second one too and try to remember (and remind DH) when we are out and get less than satisfactory service.

  6. I am still resistant to change but you inspire me to make the effort. Thanks, MaryLou.

  7. Both of these ring true ... we never really know what's going on in someone else's life.

  8. These are perfect; I especially like the first one, and the second one is so true!

  9. Not sure if I am on the right direction or not, but, I'm tip toeing! (Now I have Tiny Tim singing in my head - "Come tip toe through the tulips..." :D) Not ready to go without the mask, yet, though!
