Wednesday, November 10, 2021


This quote was recently sent to me from a very wise (older) lady & I thought it was worth sharing.

"you can not skip chapters of your life, that's not how it works.  You have to read every line, meet every character.  You won't enjoy all the chapters. Some chapters will make you cry for weeks, some will leave you with the feeling you don't want to read any more of it or read things you don't want to know. You will have some pages that you don't want to end or re-read. 

But you have to keep reading. Stories keep the world revolving so remember to live yours, do not miss out on any chapters."


  1. I do so identify with this quote, MaryLou. Thanks for sharing!

  2. Yes, you have to read each and every chapter of your life story! It's a very timely quote as far as I am concerned. :)

  3. This is so true ... and I'd quite like that room in my house.

    1. This was a room in a bookshop residing in an old house. It had the most delightful energy.
