Monday, February 27, 2023

Me On A Monday - February 27th



Good Morning.  I hope everyone is doing well.  End of February, already!  We are under a winter snow storm warning, which lingers well into the entire week, so my guess is March arrives like a lion.

Currently Reading: "I Guess I Haven't Learned That Yet; Discovering new ways of living when the old ways stop working" by Shauna Niequist'  I cannot remember where or who made the recommendation for this book.  In the prologue of pages 1-6, I was quite teary for most of it; it hit a nerve which continued on through the first two chapters, but then the stories seemed to be on repeat & I was quickly loosing interest. Then I got teary again about chapter 20 when a few more nerves got hit.  I haven't finished the book yet, and so far my overall opinion is a yes for me, although it's a book not everyone would want or need to read.  For me, right time. One of the lines that meant something to me was on page 83, "grief is somatic, that it locates itself in our bodies & therefore needs to be worked out of our arms, legs & chest with movement, especially walking".  Having myself recently in the last few months experienced the grief of loss of two family members, my young niece in December & one of my brothers in January.  Neither of these deaths had any kind of service or remembrance celebration, which I am now coming to realize are important markers of death & life, which in my opinion help those of us left to grieve, to transition from the emptiness of loss to renewing the movement of life. I guess I was clinging to a grief unheard but felt. Maybe Mother Nature's wintery expression this week won't be so bad so I can get out for a cleansing walk. Treadmill walking just doesn't have the same oomph to it.

The other book I'm reading is a happy mistake.  I meant to request  The Cloisters, by Katy Hays, but actually clicked on the library lists, The Cloister by James Carroll. The little s at the end makes all the difference.  Both are novels.  I am only 31 pages into The Cloister & curious about Father Michael Kavanagh's past & why someone at the commune rail would trigger him to go chasing after him.  I've yet to meet the other main character of the story, Rachel Vedette, a Jewish woman having lived during the war, in France.  

Currently Watching: more Brit Box, a few were just 1 episode & went searching for something else.  We have been enjoying an older series, Murder in Suburbia 

And I'll leave you with this latest word I discovered; Spuddles (17th century) to work ineffectively; to be extremely busy whilst achieving absolutely nothing.  

I certainly hope my week isn't going to require I use this descriptive word.  Here's to no spuddling for any of us this week.




Wednesday, February 22, 2023


 Something a little lighter for Wisdom this week ...

We thought it was our ability to love that made us human,  turns out it's actually our ability to "select each image containing a car".

                    ... source, Grownupdishwisdom

Monday, February 20, 2023

Me On A Monday - February 20th

 Good Morning. Hope everyone is well. It's a holiday here in Ontario, Family Day, so I'll be brief.  We have a confirmation surgery date of end of March, for Mr Man's first of two eye surgeries, so I know I'll be loosing some time for The 100 Day Project.  So this weekend I got a bit of a head start on the Wednesday, 22nd start date of the project.

Here are some cards I made from two of the Paper Pumpkin kits. Certainly not my usual style.  The great thing about the kits is that everything you need is included, ink, embellishments, card bases, glue dots & envelopes.

I also got some scrap booking in; the first page is for my garden album to celebrate the arrival of winter 2022/2023. I'm not usually a one photo on a page type of scrapper, but as part of The 100 Day Project, I wanted to push against my "normal" style. I like how the trees turned out.

The other page is the start of 2022's Christmas pages.

I hope everyone has a marvelous day, I'm off to continue with my winter resolve of making friends with winter ...

Wednesday, February 15, 2023



I did not grow up with positive role models. I grew up with people that I knew I did not want to be like & seeing situations I did not ever be in.

Not all of us are dealt the same hand, the right cards, but that doesn't mean you can not reshuffle the deck to your favour for a better outcome.

                    ... a reworking of Alexa Ayala's quote.

Monday, February 13, 2023

Me On A Monday- February 13th


Source: Internet

              #The100DayProject starts February 22 

That gives us 9 days to get ready for our project(s). 

What would you like to spend more time creating this year?

What crafts or projects are you excited about lately? 

What craft technique would you like to learn more about or what craft skills would you like to improve upon? 

I plan to work on the lingering scrap booking PHDs (projects half done) & to make a start on the creation of the cards within all those Paper Pumpkin boxes (Paper Pumpkin is a card making kit subscription from Stampin Up, which I no longer subscribe to).

My mindset with this year's 100 Day Project is to go in with less of a feeling of guilt about having a stash of paper crafting things. During the 100 days of the project I do not plan to do any decluttering of the stash.  

Do you plan to participate in this year's 100 Day Project? 

Wednesday, February 08, 2023



An unhealed person can find offense in pretty much anything another person says or does.

A healed person understands the actions of another person has absolutely nothing to do with them.

Each day you get to decide which you will be.

                    ... unknown

Monday, February 06, 2023

Me On A Monday - February 6th

 "Hello fellow earth traveler".  This is how I was greeting one morning by a little person, who often shocks me with their wisdom about life.

SOURCE: Internet

Currently Reading:  just finished a novel called "Remarkably Bright Creatures" by Shelby Van Pelt.  I really liked this story a lot.  I would recommend.  A little whimsy using facts about amazingly bright creatures that weave into a story of love, loss & loneliness in many shapes. I liked the characters & cared about them.

Also reading for our church's Lenten study, The Rebel Christ written  by Rev. Michael Coren.  I was not one that "voted" for this book to be our study, but there you have it.  To help me get more out of this small book, I've also been reading the author's weekly column & watching interviews with him. 

Also reading Valentine Low's book Courtiers. Oh my! Interesting perspective. Certainly some shocking tales of past Courtiers.

Currently Displaying: two late arrival Christmas gifts.  Mr Man had ordered these two ornaments for me back in October. What he did not initially realize was, that these were shipping from China.  Two ornaments celebrating Her Majesty's Platinum Jubilee in 2022. The snowflake ornament is quite nice, the flake is made of a light metal, the pendulum is a photo encased in plastic, nothing like the photo on the website.  So 1 out of 2 is as good as it gets ...

Currently Watching: more series on Brit Box; The Cleaner, rather weird, very dry humour; we tried The Responder, did not like at all, gave up part way through episode one.  We watched The Long Call, because it is written by the fabulous Anne Cleeves, who wrote the books Shetland & Vera.  Also watched River & I would say that is a favourite. And we were able to start with season 12 of Vera.  

Currently Waiting: for this week's appointment to find out when the first of two eye surgeries for Mr Man are.  The first surgery will either be next week or end of March.  For both surgeries, once the surgery is done, Mr Man has to be seen every other day for two weeks & then once a week for 6 weeks. Surgeries will be 6-8 weeks apart.  We are both hoping for the first surgery to be end of March as the weather may be more reliable than mid-February's weather usual snow events. 

Currently Looking Forward: to a meet up with a friend that isn't outdoors.  The mall in the city between us opens early although the stores not until 10am. My friend's choice of coffee place now has an outlet in the mall & the dining area is large & open, & at that time not a lot of people presence,  so I feel fairly comfortable meeting there, indoors, mask on.  I haven't seen this friend since October, although we chat online several times a week.

And now with a plan for the week, I'm off to take in a little more wisdom from the short Zen master.  Hope everyone has a good week.



Wednesday, February 01, 2023



 I thought I was broken & needing fixing.  

Not True!

I was hurt & needed healing.

A completely different concept.

... unknown