Monday, February 13, 2023

Me On A Monday- February 13th


Source: Internet

              #The100DayProject starts February 22 

That gives us 9 days to get ready for our project(s). 

What would you like to spend more time creating this year?

What crafts or projects are you excited about lately? 

What craft technique would you like to learn more about or what craft skills would you like to improve upon? 

I plan to work on the lingering scrap booking PHDs (projects half done) & to make a start on the creation of the cards within all those Paper Pumpkin boxes (Paper Pumpkin is a card making kit subscription from Stampin Up, which I no longer subscribe to).

My mindset with this year's 100 Day Project is to go in with less of a feeling of guilt about having a stash of paper crafting things. During the 100 days of the project I do not plan to do any decluttering of the stash.  

Do you plan to participate in this year's 100 Day Project? 


  1. Good morning. I seldom participate in group memes, preferring to do what I want when I want. But I have volunteered to do a Lightroom (photo editing program) workshop for local photographers, so I should get on it.

    1. Oh that group is SO going to enjoy your skill & knowledge share. For me the 100 day project kind of replaces what use to be weekend long get togethers with fellow crafters. 100 Day Project has lots of online group activities.

  2. I actually like this project a lot, but we're going to be on the road for too many days to participate this year. It's always motivated me to be more consistent about completing a project or developing a new skill.

    1. I miss things like NSD (national scrapbook day) with friends when we got together for a weekend of fellowship, new techniques & getting pages done & oh the laughter ... so this year I really am trying to encourage some crafting friends to join me (online) as most of them now live too far away to in person scrap/craft; some deliberate days set aside for crafting.

  3. Like you, I am going to use the time to finish up neglected projects ... and that suits me fine. No need to reinvent the wheel.

    1. I've got 2022 Christmas to scrap which when I was organizing realized I did not take that many photos this year!!! So that will be a fairly quick catch up.

  4. I might join you, Mary-Lou; seems like I always have at least a dozen projects in progress! I will use this time to finish a quilt (I've pieced the top, need to figure out a backing and put it together) and I will continue to work on the quilt I'm currently repairing.

    1. I know there are a lot of yarn creators in the F/B group, so you'll be in good company. Sometimes it's these online "things" that motivate us to get a move on (col).

  5. Oh, this timing would be good for a couple of things I need to tackle. Thanks for sharing.

    1. I have been following your uTube series about kits & using up the stash - it ties in with my goals for The 100 Day Project.
