Monday, October 02, 2023

SPSH - The Final Check In

Welcome to the final link in of the 2023 Summer Photo Scavenger Hunt.๐Ÿ“ท  ๐Ÿ‘€

Here's a list, in no particular order, of those indicating that they wanted to participate in the SPSH 2023.  If I have forgotten anyone, I apologize & please let me know in the comments & I'll add you to the list. ๐Ÿ‘ง

Thank you to all that participated.  I hope that you had some fun & adventure trying to find the items on the list.  

Ruth At This West London Life

Bless At My Two Cents 

Liz At Life At The Gables

Deb At Deb's World

Karen At 365 Photos

Karen at Random Reflections

Kym At More Coffee Breaks

Here are the last of my finds for 2023:

3. Something Netted or Webbed; a spider web at the corner of the chimney. It has since been swept away.

4. Something Berry Berry Delicious: the berries on our black lace elderberry tree/shrub.  The Cedar Wax Wing (birds) think that these were the most delicious thing ever!

8. Some Shadows: I noticed the shadows from the bed frame late one Saturday afternoon when changing the bed sheets.

9. A Crack or Pothole in The Road or Sidewalk: this rather large & deep pothole is right at the edge of the road & driveway to my local tack shop.  I image it is all the big delivery trucks rolling in & out of the shop.

14. Something That Rolls: what is sitting in the monk's lap is what rolls; it is a seed pod of the black walnut tree nut, not growing in our yard.  The squirrels like these & bring them into our garden & bury them in the lawn, the garden, the flower pots, and now on our monk.  You'll roll an ankle if you step on one when buried in the grass.

Alternate A: Your Favourite Summer Taste: this is SOOOO good & I only bought when on sale.

Alternate B: Your Choice: this is one of the twelve Morning Glory plants I grew from seed; of the 12 planted, only 3 survived & grew; this is the only one to bloom & it is blooming abundantly right now.  Late to the summer party, but probably more glorious & appreciated because of that.  


  1. That is a huge seed pod! Yes, you could definitely roll your ankle on one of those. Seems like none of us had trouble finding a pot hole this year!

    1. Those seed pods are large & quite hard. Mr Man calls them lawn grenades. Potholes are a bain to all who travel the roads. Why is it the Romans built roads hundreds of years ago & they don't have potholes even to this day.

  2. Replies
    1. Thanks Jenn. I know from all your photos on your blog you could have rocked out this challenge easily :) Maybe next year.

  3. Number 8 is a great capture! Seems like potholes are a universal problem ...
    Thanks again for putting together this year's list. :)

    1. Potholes & sink holes seem to be more common than even 5 years ago. Probably why insurance rates go up - so many claims for broken axels & such. The shadows were a happy chance. Glad you joined in this year - you had some great finds.

  4. Josh that is a big seed pod. You could definitely roll an ankle if you trod on one of those. Thank you so much for hosting again this year x

    1. The squirrels take ages to get through all the green seed pod to the walnut inside & it is so messy from their feast. The ink of the seed pod & nut stain even cement. Glad you could join in this year.

  5. I like the photo of the shadows and that large seed pod! Here's the post that has the photos I found - since I joined late!

    1. Kym glad you could join us in SPSH 2023. I've added you to the list.

  6. Great photos. Love the shadow of your bed frame and that frozen yoghurt looks yum! x x

    1. Thanks Karen. The Black Jack frozen yoghurt is too tasty & I had to really rein myself in on this treat. Thanks for joining in this year.

  7. Black walnuts are a messy tree, but my mother used to make amazing black walnut fudge! Debs is right, the potholes seem to be always with us despite the town's efforts to fill the holes and repave the streets. Thanks for hosting the hunt!

    1. Locally they don't even seem to try to get ahead of all the potholes ... it's why you see so many cars weaving on the roads, trying to avoid the holes. I dislike Black Walnut Trees, at age 15 or 20 they start to put out this oil in their roots that prohibits other plants from growing close by. Fudge from the black walnut - oh my that is the first thing I have heard positive about those trees (lol).

  8. That's too funny that the squirrels placed their walnut in the monk's lap! It seems to be amusing the monk, too! :D
    I really like the morning glory flower. I didn't have much luck with my morning glory plants; just one plant grew and produced three flowers and then, died! But, the flowers were lovely and I'll try again, next year.
    Thank you for hosting the SPSH. I will post my final selections later, today.

    1. Thanks Bless. The squirrels hide the walnuts everywhere. I found several more this weekend when clipping back my flower pots at the front of my house. I'm glad to know that I wasn't the only one struggling with Morning Glories this year. Normally I have great success with them. I also will try again next year. :)
