Happy Earth Day (Canada). We'll be turning our lights off at 8pm for an hour with the rest of Canada.
I had a very social week last week, so this week is all about recovery for me - I need lots of quiet time & thankfully have only one day, two events of people centred activities, the rest is no in person activities.
Monday I met a friend for tea (me), coffee (her). We had a nice catch up with all that is happening in our lives. She now lives full time at their cottage & only comes into town every 6 weeks for her hair.
Tuesday we met the paint colour consultant that is part of the painters we chose for the task of painting our kitchen, ensuite & hallway. Picking the kitchen colour was difficult as we were trying to find a colour that works with the cabinets, the flooring & the appliances. We picked a netural greiege - Balboa Mist. We decided that this colour would also work for hallway. The ensuite is going to be a light grey.
Wednesday, my ladies bible study group met in the morning. We are nearing the end of the series on Exodus & then we'll be taking a summer break after the 15th of May.
Thursday was an emergency run for Mr Man to the city where his eye surgeon is located, about an hour away. That turned into a long day of waiting & treatment. Thankfully nothing dreadful; it was the very large medical contact lens that needed replacing. To be on the safe side they injection some antibiotics & then refitted the medical contact lens.
Thursday evening was the first meeting of the library's cookbook book club. I was one of 3 ladies that showed up. This first session was about comfort food. There's no cooking, the librarian selects cookbooks with the session's theme focus, we chose one, decided on a recipe from that book, make it (at home) & then write a book report on the book & recipe at the next meeting, end of May. I'll give it another try as I am not sure this is for me. I've chosen to make pie crust from scratch. The recipe I'll be making has vinegar, & a half & half of butter & shortening. Of course, the water has to be very cold.
Friday was income tax day for us, & while not a lot of people contact, it was a stressful half day dealing with government forms. Thankfully done.
Saturday I attended a Women's Breakfast Conference - Seek Him in Prayer. It was hosted by the church where I attend my Wednesday bible study. It was an amazing morning, every little detail seen to. I did not have to remind anyone that I was vegetarian - my special breakfast plate was ready for me. One of the biggest chuckles came when it was announced that for this morning all bathrooms in the church, were women's washrooms. Now that is truly understanding your audience.
Sunday I was greeting at my own church & then there was a Parish Brunch.
This week was much more peopling that I have done in the last year!