Wednesday, May 29, 2024



Source: Internet

People want you to tip toe around their feelings, while they tap dance over yours.  

                                        ... The Internet

Monday, May 27, 2024

Me On A Monday - May 27th

Good Morning. I trust all is well in your part of the world.

Currently Reading
: Just finished Robert Hardman's book, King Charles III.  It was a big book & Robert writes well, although for me his attention to facts & details can be a little dry at times in any of his books.  But over all I enjoyed.

Also on my reading watchlist is the Summer's Insider Report.  This is a paper magazine produced & given out by the local grocery chain. It's a very popular read in Ontario.  Lots of new summer products introduced; new tastes from all around the world.  

Currently TV Watching: We finished Mary Land & for us the ending was a little abrupt & not a satisfying ending at all, too many loose items, in our opinion.  We have started to watch on Brit Box, After The Flood.  

Currently Watching Nature : I'm waiting for arrival of the returning Hummingbirds. I've put out my specific Hummingbird feeder with a fresh batch of sugar water. The yellow Finches have returned & we have been getting quite a few Flickers in the garden.  The Woodpecker has given up trying to drill in our house (thankfully) & I can hear "him" off in the farmer's wood lot.  I do chuckle at myself because if you told me in my 20's I'd be a bird watcher one day, I would have laughed & said you were quite mad, but here we are.  Life does take us on some interesting paths. Oh yes & we bought a new bird bath. We have been searching for a few years now & I'm glad we waited for this one.  It is exactly what I wanted for the garden.  We have two batches of baby black squirrels, one nest in the front garden, one in the back garden.  We also have a new batch of baby chipmunks, 3 little ones at the front of the house.  Oh my they are tiny.

Currently Doing: I attended a card class, the first in 4 long years with this demonstrator. It was chaotic but good fun.  Met lots of new "neighbours". I got three birthday cards made in a style & stamp selection that I wouldn't have tried on my own at home.  

I've signed up for a free journaling workshop at the beginning of June. It is being hosted by a newly formed group "The Real Housewives".  Just their group name is interesting & the workshop is listed as "Juice & Journaling" so I'm going to assume that we will be provided with some juice during the workshop.  

Wishing my British friends & American friends a happy holiday Monday. 

Wednesday, May 22, 2024



Source: Internet

They muddy the waters so it seems deep.

                                                  ... Friedrich Nietzsche

Wednesday, May 15, 2024



Sunshine all the time, makes a desert.

                                    ... Arab Proverb

Monday, May 13, 2024

Me On A Monday - May 13th

Good Morning. I am in a post Mother's Day glow.  I celebrated with a Parish Brunch after church service, home to putter a little in my gardens & then an afternoon of a few at home "spa" treatments. Ah the bliss of it only marred by the hissing & growling of the fur girls to each other.  Thursday & Friday the painters were here so not only was there chaos of things removed (hushed) from three areas of the house, they, the fur girls, had to endure people in the house.  Individually they are their sweet self, but together, they become hissing growling menacing beasts. There's no physical contact, just lots of threats.  Cats!

Currently Reading:  I've just finished Twenty Seven Minutes, a debt novel by Canadian author, Ashley Tate. Not remembering who recommended or if it was one I found myself, but I did enjoy.  Even some of the troubled characters I felt for.  

"For the last ten years, the small, claustrophobic town of West Wilmer has been struggling to understand one thing: Why did it take young Grant Dean twenty-seven minutes to call for help on the fateful night of the car accident that took the life of his beloved sister, Phoebe?  Someone knows what really happened the night Phoebe died. Someone who is ready to tell the truth."

Currently Watching: Not a lot. We are one episode into Mary Land on PBS's Masterpiece Theatre.  Anticipating the finale of the TV show, Young Sheldon, this Thursday.  While we all knew the ending, when the show started, the death of the father, George, it still cut a little hard to watch.  The writers have promised us that we won't be left with tears on Thursday when the show wraps up.

Currently Enjoying: the fabulous display of the Crabapple trees at the university.  While most were in full bloom, there were a few on the "alley of bloom" that were just beginning to bloom.  It was a glorious sight to behold.  When we were there, they were just beginning to cut the grass; Two swipes later of the lawn mowers & all the yellow dandelions underneath the trees were gone.

Currently Wrapping Up
: two bible studies.  One was the study of all 40 chapters of Exodus.  Some of it was a little dry (no pun to the desert ...) but overall I really enjoyed the study, especially our break out group. We were a lively group & we had some great discussions.  The running joke was ... it wasn't like that in the movie!  (The Ten Commendations movie with Charlton Heston) The 2nd bible study was an online group.  I really wish there was a "summer school" bible study.  

Currently Making It Official:  I am not putting together a Summer Photo Scavenger Hunt this year.  I believe the SPSH time has come to an end, for me at least.  

And next Monday, May 20th is a stat holiday for us (Victoria Day or to some Two Four weekend), so there won't be a Me On Monday post.  I'll see you for Wednesday's Wisdom this week & next.

Wednesday, May 08, 2024



If you are irritated by every rub, how will you be polished.

                                                                            .... Rumi

Monday, May 06, 2024

Me On A Monday - May 6th

Good Morning. 

For many of us, spring has us thinking about our gardens, which could include planting annual flowers, vegetables & fruits.  

I came across this guideline that I thought was quite interesting:

Wait for apple trees to bloom before planting bush beans

When apple blossoms fall, plant pole beans & cucumbers

By the time the lilacs are in full bloom, it will be safe to plant tender annual flowers & squash

Transfer tomato transplants to the garden when lily of the valley is in full flower

Full sized maple leaves signal time to plant morning glory seeds.

Peppers & eggplant can be transplanted when the bearded irises are blooming

When peonies blossom, it is safe to plant heat loving melons, such as cantaloupe.

Hope everyone has a good week.

Wednesday, May 01, 2024