Monday, July 29, 2024

2024 SPSH - First Link In

 Good Morning.  I hope everyone is having a wonderful summer.  Today is the first link in for the 2024 SPSH, hosted by Ruth & her Best Friend over at This West London Life; the list can be found at: This West London Life - 2024 SPSH

For this link in, these are my first finds

#2. Look up to the sky; took this photo while waiting at one of Mr Man's many eye appointments.  It's my angel in the sky.

#6 Something With Wings; for the first time ever, we have (that we noticed) Blue Jay fledglings in our garden. Just as noisy & squawky as their parents.

#9 Moving Water; I treated myself to a new solar birdbath fountain, it has several different fountain heads & I really like the sound & sight of the moving water.

#10 Something that casts a shadow; this year the ferns have been massive & plentiful

#13 Mark the passage of time; this treatment for our two Ash Trees happens every two years, it's to give them a fighting chance against the destructive & invasive Emerald Ash Borer, when we see this ring of injection tubes, we know two years have past;

#14 Your nation's flag, hanging proudly in our back garden; 

  • Photography takes an instant out of time, altering life by holding it still.”  – Dorothea Lange

  •         “A camera is a SAVE button for the mind's eye.”


  1. That birdbath looks very appealing.

  2. I definitely see your angel in the sky - thanks for continuing to join in with the Scavenger Hunt. :)

  3. Your SPSH photos are great! I especially liked the angel in the sky. :)

  4. How lucky to get a good look (and a good photo) at the blue jay fledgling! As a Canadian ex-pat, I love seeing your flag!

  5. I like those quotes. Sometimes folks=family ask why I take so many pictures. But I love looking back on the days of my life through my photography.

    Your bird bath is smashing. I am sure the birds appreciate having that water feature for them to enjoy. I like hearing the waterfall in our pool. The sound of water is so soothing.

    Absolutely an angel overhead. What a brilliant capture. So glad you looked up when you did!!

  6. Lovely nature photos. I like the mind's eye quote.

  7. I totally missed this list, but it's too late now to start. I LOVE your garden fountain. We have a small one and the sound is so refreshing all summer long. The rest of your finds are great, too. So happy to see you in my Feedly account.

  8. I love our bird bath! They are really fun.
