Thursday, July 20, 2017

Take Three Thursday

In an effort to notice more of the ordinary in my life, I have decided to share what I have noticed this week in Take Three Thursday.  The idea is to take 3 photos that are linked some how; by theme, by colour, by date, by moment,  by points of view. There is no formal link in but please feel free to join in.  What have you noticed this week?

Have a peek at what others have found this week:

Maggie at FarmersWifeDayByDay
Karen's Random Reflections 

This week my noticing was around the crops of some of the local farms.  There are 3 major, but not exclusive crops grown in the area; corn, soy & winter wheat. Most of the fields are rotated in crop production year after year;  corn, next year soy, next year winter winter & then back to corn.  They all grow at different times & all have different weather requirements.  Corn loves heat & humidity with lots of rain.  Last year it was a horrible year for corn, lots of heat & humidity but no rain.  Most of the soy & corn are grown for livestock feed.

Corn, you can almost hear it growing, so far it's been a perfect year for it: (I think this is such a gorgeous farm).

Winter wheat is just about ready to harvest.  This year there are fields & fields of this crop.

 And soy, which always seems to be like the youngest child of a large family, it has to grow through the stubble of last year's corn crop.



  1. Great photos - things are certainly growing fast these days.

    1. According to our local farmer of these crops, he says right now is the turning point for either a good crop year or not - rain being the key ingredient, not too little, not too much.

  2. Like your top photo - lovely high sky!

    1. It was a lovely day when I took this photo, racing back from something to something else & I just "saw" this moment, had to pull over & enjoy.

  3. These photos bring back memories of my childhood, growing up in a farm community in Ohio. We had our first local sweet corn last night for dinner--it will be a staple for a few weeks.

    1. We often make corn the entire dinner - freshly picked is such a short season :)
      Being so close to all these farms makes me truly happy & grateful.

  4. Interesting to see what your local crops are. We don't grow maize but there is a lot locally. We don't see any soya.

    1. Yes regionally crops vary, just north of us they grow a lot of rapeseed, south of us, use to be tobacco which are now primarily potatoes.
