Thursday, February 15, 2018

Take Three Thursday - Snow Hats

In an effort to notice more of the ordinary in my life, I have decided to share what I have noticed this week in Take Three Thursday.   The idea is to take photos that are linked some how; by theme, by colour, by date, by moment,  by points of view. There is no formal link in but please feel free to join in. What have you noticed this week?  

Have a look at what others have noticed this week:

Karen at Random Reflections 
Maggie at Farmers Wife Day by Day

My three this Thursday are what looks like hats - it's how the snow & ice fall & stay on top of items in the garden.  Just add a feather or pom pom & it's a classic winter hat.


  1. Our high today is the 60s! so I'm impressed by snow pictures. And snow hats? Loving them :)

    1. I can tell you I am enjoying the last two days of temperatures about 0 - oh the melting that is going on, that sound of snow melting, music to my ears! (col).

  2. Ha ha. I like them. It always amazes me how snow piles up like that.

    1. Thanks Maggie. I am looking forward to a time, soon I hope, where I have something other than snow to take photos of!

  3. I just finished a lovely catch-up with all your posts while I was away. I hope you are feeling much better now! I've never seen the quote about holding colds with contempt, but it's a perfect one!

  4. We are getting quite a bit of snow here today....looking forward to green lawns and flowers...but that won't be for a couple of months yet.
    Great photos

    1. We are going to either have a lot of snow or rain, depends on where that temperature front moves. Ground is still quite froze, so rain will create flooding but at least we don't have to shovel it!.

  5. Mostly wet in London of late, although I believe there's been snow further North. I'll take the wet over the white stuff any day, if it's all the same to you.

    1. We are at that stage of the season where we get wet snow, freezing rain or rain ... we live at that edge of the escapement that depending on the low how it swings through or past ... hard to plan.
