Monday, July 03, 2023

Me On A Monday - July 3rd


Good Morning, I hope everyone has had a good weekend doing things that fill up their cup of life.

Currently ReadingRevelations by Mary Sharratt. It's a story of MargeryKempe, who, in 1413, has barely survived giving birth to her fourteenth child.  Fearing another pregnancy might kill her, she makes a vow of celibacy, but she cannot trust her husband to keep his end of the bargain. Desperate for counsel she visits the famous anchoress Dame Julian of Norwich.  Dame Julian is famous for her quote "and all shall be well & all manner of thing shall be well".  It is an interesting tale of how in that time period, woman were not allowed to read the bible, preach from the bible & definitely not allowed to administer the Eucharist.  Doing any of these things were invoke a death penalty of burning.  Oh how far we have come; at Sunday church service we had a guest woman minister & she did all of those things & no one was burnt!

Also reading, The Woman in the White Kimono, by Ana Johns. This was a book that Lady Ella had reviewed on her blog & the quote from the book, ""Sorrow and happiness do not pass. They burrow in deep and become our bones. We stand on their uneven legs, trying to keep balance when there is none.", had me intrigued to read.   It's interesting in one respect as one of my previous reads, The Hotel On the Corner of Sorrow & Delight, was told of a love story between Chinese American boy & a Japanese  American girl, living in America at the start of the Americans entering WWII, 1942.  The Woman is written from the perspective of a Japanese girl & a American solider living in Japan after the war, when America occupied Japan.  There are similarities between the stories, but enough differences that I am not reading the same story.

Currently Feeling: very over whelmed with the world of both the physical & emotional aspects.  I am often pulled into a rabbit hole of despair watching a particular online news channel of definite contentious opinions.  I've also seemly become addicted to YouTube videos on decluttering. There are SO many.  My challenge to myself this month is turn off my personal computer more often. 

Also feeling very fat & frumpy ... & yes there are lots of YouTube videos on how to over come both of these.  My take away so far this month is to stop gathering information on these & other topics & actually start on the work necessary for change.  You may see more Wisdom shared on this very topic (col).

And speaking of rabbit holes & such, do any of you start the morning of the first day of the new month, before you get out of bed with the quote of "rabbit rabbit" ?  It is suppose to bring luck for 30 days.  Some say white rabbit, white rabbit some say bunny bunny.

Don't forget next Monday is our first SPSH check in. Let's hope that my July 1st of saying "rabbit rabbit" will ensure luck with Blogger accepting the loading of photos!

Wishing you all a very lucky day, a lucky week. 


  1. I just shuddered at the thought of being pregnant 14 times! :(
    I have a few finds to share next Monday, hoping to add more this week.

    1. I'm looking forward to seeing your SPSH finds. I've got a couple to post on Monday. My Mom was pregnant 11 times (12 children, 1 set of twins), thankfully none of the brothers & sisters have decided to follow her example.

  2. Your cyberspace is being cluttered with decluttering videos. 😄

    No to the rabbit thing. It is very new to me. Just something I've noticed fairly recently on blogs.

    1. Louise Penny mentions rabbit rabbit in a couple of her books & I believe the first chapter in her latest, Curiosities, it is brought up again. Four days in & I've de-cluttered my cyberspace by at least 10 sites.

  3. Never heard of "rabbit, rabbit!" It's very easy to fall down a rabbit hole on the internet without ever meaning to. I'm usually pretty good at restraining myself, but the last few days have been pretty ugly! Some of it may prove worthwhile, but probably not when considering the worth of my time!

    1. One of my favourite authors, Louise Penny, talk about this superstitions in a few of her books & it was familiar from my Mom. Our community F/B groups are not neighbourhood friendly - oh the battles, so I've decided I'd rather just not know any more. And feeling the same about some world situations. 4 days into the new month, I'm doing much better at the doing than just watching. :)

  4. I agree, with the doom scrolling. You want to bear witness, but one does have to close it down.

    1. I think there's so much division online, extreme right, extreme left ... I'm hoping for more discussion & middle of the road debate. So far, I've un-scribed to at least 10 YouTube sights & so far I'm not seeing or feeling any negative feelings about that (col).

  5. Seems as if your online life is rather cluttered in itself! I've never heard of the "rabbit" superstition. At school we used to do "Pinch punch..." except that I always forgot!

    1. Many months I forget about saying rabbit rabbit before getting out of bed ... thankfully my luck is at about the same level (lol). So far this week I've been very good at turning off the personal computer & getting on with things, but the month is young still!!

  6. What a cute chipmunk visitor!

    Your first book sounds interesting! My maternal great grandmother had 14 children; my grandmother was the oldest and she went on to have 9 children of her own. My mother said that when she was growing up (she was Catholic at the time) they weren't allowed to read the bible and the services were held in Latin.
    I have put in a request for "The Woman in the White Kimono"; looking forward to reading it.
    I, too, find the various online videos to be irresistible! I watched several decluttering and cleaning videos, last night. I think, for me, it is a form of procrastination - I'm watching "how to" and "motivational" videos instead of actually doing, but, watching them makes me feel I'm still being productive because I'm "gathering information" or "learning". Not that I need to learn how to clean or, even, declutter!

    1. Bless I think you've nailed it - procrastination! It just sometimes feels very overwhelming. I also think for me it is definitely wanting to be part of a tribe :)

  7. Totally with you on decluttering. It's amazing how many things we keep, just in case!
    I have a few photos for Monday but I definitely need to try harder.

    1. I'm re-reading Peter Walsh's book "It's All Too Much" which has me ready to begin another run of hard decluttering. I am tackling a box of "other holidays" box. I don't believe there will be much if any thing put back. Our church has a Book, Bake & Baubles sale in August, so that's motivating me to sort through my jewelry box.
