Monday, August 14, 2023

Me On A Monday - August 14th

 Good Morning.  A reminder that next Monday, August 21st is our 2nd link in for the 2023 SPSH.  What have you found so far?

Currently Reading:  finishing up the 2nd book in the Ashmore Castle series. I was a little bored with it, too much conversation dialogue & the plot is far too predictable IMO.  Also read two new to me author,  Shari Lapena books; "Someone We Know" & "The Unwanted Guest".  I liked & thank you Chris for recommending this author to me.

Currently Watching: we tried Luther on Brit Box. We watched all of series one & 3 episodes of series two. I'm done with Luther, too graphic & giving me too many difficult nights of nightmares. Although my favourite character in the series was Alice.  We just finished up with DI Ray (series 1); Grantchester & more of Ridley.

Currently In The Garden:  the Bluejays (birds) have returned after a summer in the forest of raising their young. It's a small start to the signals of the end of summer.  I am having a difficult time with the black squirrels, one in particular, "he's" quite naughty & has a destructive streak in him.  So far "he" has chewed through the rope that held my swinging monk & then "he" chewed through the bird feeder ring causing it to collapse & spill all the seed.  Black squirrels are native to us as are the reds.  

We continue to get a fair amount of rain which keeps the garden & lawns well watered & me indoors.  The weeds are taking over!  I've been taking close up photos of areas of my garden which are too full & will need thinning out this Autumn.

Currently Learning Something New: I did not know until this week, that the British Standards Institute has a 5,000 word report on making tea.  One of their conclusions, is that milk goes in the cup/mug first - (fist pump) YES! My Gran taught us that mostly so we didn't have to stir the tea/milk combo thus saving the use of a spoon ... I'll say no more

And I will leave you with this thought: I'm not just so obsessed with tea. Sometimes I'm thinking about snacks or how I wish some people would be quiet.  I am a cake with many layers!


  1. I am not seeing a return of the bluejays. I am not sure that occurs here, but I will keep my eyes peeled as my mother used to say.

    Well, don't watch the newest version of Luther. The whole series was not great IMO, but I think the latest (4th?) series is the worst.

    1. I really wanted to like Luther but alas there was for us, too much focus on the tortured life of the investigator & not enough on the crime & solving. Let's just say it's no Vera! I've gone for something totally different - Gavin & Stacey.

  2. Milk in the cup first? Never!
    I can’t believe I missed that first link up, I shall have to do a catch up this week!

    1. I think the milk in first or second is a battle somewhat similar to the one of jam or cream first on a scone (lol). There's always time for a SPSH catch up :)

  3. Your canna lilies are lovely! So colorful!
    Oh, wow! That's one destructive squirrel!
    I'm afraid that I'm not doing too well with the SPSH! I need to take several more photos! The trouble is, I am not out and about much and when I am and see things to photograph, I'm driving and it is not always convenient to stop to take pictures! I shall have to think of a way around it!
    I have always added milk to the tea! These days I tend to use a spoon of condensed milk, so definitely needs stirring!

    1. I think the milk first or second is a "battle" never to be won, but my feeling is go with what you want and/or know. What surprises me is that there is an entire report of the making of tea! Bless I am sure in your amazing yard there are lots of SPSH finds. We aren't getting off the patio much other than endless eye appts for Mr Man.

  4. I'm waiting for Lapena's latest book from the library, It's called "Everyone We Know" (or something like that). I watched Ridley recently on Hoopla, the Toronto Library site.

    1. I like Lapena's writing style, her murder mysteries are an easy read & not too much gore. I've just discovered an Australia author & once I've finished the first read, I'll let you know if it's a author/book I'd recommend. :)

  5. Our bluejays have been here all summer. The sign of summer ending for me is the diminishing sunlight day by day. I'm never quite ready to say good-bye to summer! We were on the road yesterday, so I'm a day late is visiting. Had great weather in Michigan, and NO WAIT at the border coming in and going out of Canada. Perhaps a first! We had over an hour's wait leaving Canada at Port Huron on our way--much more typical.

    1. There are so many "signs" of summer's ending around me right now; Niagara peaches are in, corn is on the market stall, the Blue Jays, & yes the earlier sunsets - all glorious in their own right, but tinged for me with a bit of sadness. Port Huron crossing, so what up there brought you across?

  6. Oh, and on another topic, I have had much more success with the scavenger hunt, and will have a post ready to go on Monday!

  7. The milk goes in first if you're using teapot, but if you're using a bag it goes in last. That way you can judge how strong your tea is :0)
    I have a few more for the scavenger hunt but still need to get the last few.
    We're currently watching Hijack with Idris Elba which is really good. Not sure if you'll be able to get that yet. We're also looking forward to the next series of Grantchester.

    1. Your tea advice is reasonable (lol). So what did you think of this season's Grantchester? Thanks for heads up about Hijack. I'm currently watching Gavin & Stacey.
