Monday, November 20, 2023

Me On A Monday - November 20th


Greetings my favourite people.

Currently Reading: John Grisham's latest, The Exchange, which is a follow up of the two main characters in The Firm, 15 years later.  Too soon to tell if I'm going to like, but I will say, it has pulled me in quickly.  Waiting for a couple of Christmas themed books at the library, which include two new to me Christmas cookbooks.

Currently Interesting:  I found this on one Canadian women's blog;  "Make Blogging Great Again, Comment & Support".  How many of us are still lurkers on some blogs, how many of us comment & how many of us enter into a dialogue?  IMO, Blogger should follow WordPress's example & have a like button for blog posts, similar to FaceBook & Instagram, because sometimes you just don't know what to say.  👍 💖

Currently Shopping: we drove out to my favourite scrapping store on Saturday. They are not normally open for walk in traffic on a Saturday.  Since lockdown pandemic days, they really stepped up their online ordering service, which included store door pick ups.  I haven't bought a lot in the last 3 years, but on Saturday we ventured out so I could get my 3 ring binders for the coming year's garden & day to day layouts. The binders require extra shipping costs, so to save myself the cost, we combined a couple of other errands with this trip.  Storage space is at critical overload for scrapbooks, so I think these two binders will have to start incorporating more than one year, which will require more planning. I'm also going to go back to see if I can bunch up two years into one binder.  Maybe I'll follow This West London Life, Ruth's example of a page a month.  

Currently Realizing: I'm not good at stamping for card making.  I have been in a flurry of activity making Christmas cards as I like to get mine into the mail no later than December 1st.  I like the paper piecing & cutting, it's the stamping parts that strain me - I'm not good at it.  

Currently Assessing Lingering Projects:  aka PHDs, projects half done.  One is my Covid binder. I don't think I will ever complete all the layouts that I had intended & bought product for.  The pages that I do have done, will probably end up in the album of the day to day layouts for 2020/2021.  As I mentioned earlier, space is at critical levels.  I've gone through the box of layouts & supplies & assessed which products can be used for something other than Covid related layouts.  Some of the stickers I will make into a closing page collage.  It was very interesting to read through some of the layout journaling & photos, to see life during a pandemic. To read the new words & phrases that came out of the Covid pandemic.  One interesting factnoid from all the online experts, was that to say worldwide pandemic was incorrect as pandemic denotes worldwide. It made me laugh & laugh.  And it now appears as though all these online pandemic experts have shifted their expertise to Middle East politics & diplomacy.  

Currently Mr Man's Eyes:  The last appointment was 15 days ago, the surgeon specialist wanted to give his eyes more healing time before deciding what's next, if anything.  

And now it's on to the week.  Be kind to yourself  👸


  1. Lack of space was one of the reasons my scrapbooking days came to an end! I feel your pain over the stamping issue, one dodgy move and the whole project is spoilt. Cards made and ready to post by Dec 1st? Oh my goodness!
    Good idea of the 'like' button for blogs, if WordPress can do it why can't Blogger?

    1. I think my reason for December 1st as a mailing date came from days that I did a full on December Daily album, it was a kick off for me. I'm thinking that I have a couple of albums that I have made for the nieces & nephews that I may donate directly to them, which would free up some space on my shelves :) I like Anvicloud's suggestion of maybe using the emoji of thumbs up ... it's a thought.

  2. Blogger doesn't have a Like button, but I sometimes just put a 👍emoji in comments.

    1. John that's a great idea ... thanks. I'm going to run with that & see if it works for me. 👍

  3. I was so happy to discover bloggers who would read and comment :) It was the T Tuesday linkup at Elizabeth's blog that did that for me. It's developed into a nice community. I assume the blogger reads my comments on their blogs, and the "like" button just seems to acknowledge that. I'm not sure I understand its purpose otherwise...

    1. No, a "like" button is not something Blogger offers. I was using the word "blogger" in the generic sense as someone who blogs.

      I'm unfamiliar with December Daily.

    2. Oh thank goodness it isn't a piece I'm missing, so much of the features do pass me by already (lol). December Daily is a scrapping event, originally begun by a famous scrapbooker, Ali Edward. It's such a large community worldwide.

  4. I've never been great at stamping, which is why I avoid it! I hear you on the lack of storage space for scrapbooks. You know me, I don't make many cards, but I think some are on the timetable for this weekend's Crop.
    I remember enjoying The Firm, so will look out for the sequel.

    1. Next to scrapping, I do enjoy card making, but more when I just paper piece & cut. This week I've had two stamping attempts both of which required a rescue. Cards from kits are fun (for me at least). Very full scrap albums are also heavy, so I have to ensure a sturdy bookcase spot for them.

  5. I think I will tell people I am working on my PHD when they ask what I am up to. I hadn't heard that acronym before!

    1. It's a good description of several things sitting on my craft table of which I resolved to either finish or toss before year end. Tough crafting love.

  6. That is a good idea! 👍 💖
    Good luck with your PHDs!

    1. Thanks Jenn. I've been plodding through several of the PHDs & decided several just aren't worth my continued stress, so not going to do.

  7. I like that photo of the cute squirrel!
    Sounds like you have been busy, making cards and getting ready for next year's scrapbooking projects! I need to get a new binder for the photos my daughter printed out for me to scrapbook! As for PHDs - I have several of those waiting for me to do them! Mostly quilt tops waiting to be assembled! I enjoy the piecing, but, not the actual assembling of the quilt!
    Hope Mr. Man's eyes are improving. I go for my eye exam, tomorrow.

    1. Good luck with your eye exam. The squirrels are frantic at this time of year gathering & hiding food supplies for the winter, I was surprised that this little madam stopped long enough for me to capture a photo. Some of my PHDs will get a second choice at completion, but my resolve (so far) is if not re-started by year end, off the list & out of the PHD project box.

  8. I stopped scrapbooking four years ago and still have mixed feelings about that decision. We ended up moving some furniture in a small bedroom we use as a den (actually an ironing room more that anything else unless someone needs to sleep there.) In the process I found several scrapbooks I'd forgotten about. Some small topical ones I tossed, but the large ones I want to keep and where to put them is a problem! I love reading through the old pages though, and know there's no documentation of our lives beyond some photos for the last four years. I think of Mr. Man frequently and wondered how it was going. Hopefully, the healing will be more stable this time.

    1. I am sure tossing any of your scrapbooks would have been hard, your creations were always CASE worthy, especially your DDs. I often wonder how much longer I'll be inspired to scrapbook; probably as we don't do things like we use before Covid & Mr Man's eye problems. I wonder if Traveler's notebooks would fill the gap between scrapping & not recording?

  9. Surprised you feel you don't always know what to say. You are so good at commenting. I frequently don't know what to say!
    Where are you at with Mr Man's eyes? I always got the impression from your posts that there was a particular problem which was being treated with a view to resolution. But actually is ongoing treatment foreseen, simply to try to manage a condition/conditions long-term?

    1. Mr Man's eye situation is an ever changing situation. It is never going to an "all better" resolution. This is now a life long & at best a managed situation. :(

      I'm glad my commenting struggles don't show :)

    2. Sorry for that. I know what it is like. Hope it can be managed effectively.
