Monday, November 27, 2023

Me On A Monday - November 27th


Good Morning Everyone. Brr it is cold.  For us November had a temperature turning point on the 20th. No more of the unusually warmer temperatures.  Snow was flying about on the 24th!

Currently Thinking About: December Daily, a scrapbooking project. I've struggled with myself about whether I wanted to do, what to do with all my Christmas related papers, stickers & die cuts. So in the end I've decided, I'm all in, but not in the traditional or standard way.  We don't have a lot if any activities planned for the holidays, so I've worked on a list of photo prompts for myself, that will work for me. Some of my themes for the day are similar but only to accommodate my layout plans.  I'm planning on a page a day. What I've yet to 100% decide is the size format.  In my sorting through my stash I found I have a 6X8" green binder that could be re-purposed into a DD, or I could go with my standard scrapping size of 12X12" pages.  No decision made as yet, although I am leaning into 12X12.

There are a few days of December that may get a switch up with plans that just might happen.  Pre-Covid, we use to celebrate Express Christmas on the 16th with friends. For those of you that were fans of the TV show Modern Family, you'll know about Express Christmas.  For those of you that don't, here's a link. Express Christmas

Anyway, I am happy with my list & my decision to embracing December Daily scrapbooking.  This is my list in case anyone wants to play along, or use as a jumping off point for their holiday season recording.

2023 December Daily Ideas for Stories & Photos

1.    Christmas Tree(s)

2.    Gift Wrap

3.    Advent Wreath (1st Sunday in Advent)

4.    Christmas Reading

5.    Christmas Movies

6.    Sounds of Christmas

7.    Favourite Ornament

8.    Happy Mail

9.    Dear Santa

10.   Cozy

11.   Stockings

12.   Holiday Baking

13.    Decorations

14.   Christmas Wear/Wardrobe

15.   Wreath(s)

16.   This or That (questionnaire)

17.   Your Elf Name/Snowman Name

18.   Christmas Cats

19.   Us

20.   At Home Christmas Concert

21.   Winter Weather; winter arrives at 10:27pm

22.   Colours of The Season

23.   Table Setting

24.   The Christmas Eve Drive-Neighbourhood All Aglow

25.   True Meaning of Christmas

26.   The 12 Days of Christmas/Blessings

27.   Christmas Memories 

28.   Christmas Crafts

29.   Christmas Gifts

30.   Resolutions or Goals

31.   Good Bye 2023 Hello 2024


  1. You are not short of ideas. Have a good day and week.

    1. I thought if I got myself a list - I love lists - I'd not just fumble each day to come up with an idea, plus the cats will only tolerate so much of me lurking with the camera!

  2. I made my December Daily at the weekend Crop I was at - can send you the pdf, if you'd like?

    1. Oh yes please Ruth, to the pdf. Inspiration is much needed. That was quite an accomplishment to get the foundations of your DD done. Well done you!

  3. That looks like a good list - lots of ways to interpret!

    1. Thanks Deb. I may end up moving some themes to other days, but it gives me some framework to create my pages.

  4. No snow here -and who knows whether or not we'll get any- but the low last night was below freezing. Brrr!!!

    1. Winter is knocking on Autumn's door - we had a bit of a snow coating late yesterday (Monday) enough to create havoc for the rush hour home.

  5. What a great list! Good for you.
    We only see our kids, we've no friends around that we socialize with. It is sad, as not even work friends about! Ah well. Such is life.

    1. Covid certainly put a halt to a lot of social Christmas activities, although in 2020 we tried a few out door events, but often too cold for long chats & catch ups. Work Christmas events no longer happen either which is sad, they use to be a highlight & a reason for a new dress :)

  6. That looks like a fun list! I hope you will share some of your December Daily pages. :)

    1. Thanks Bless. Because I don't print my photos at home, my pages are always created well after Christmas, although this year I might pre make some of the pages & leave spots for the actual photos.

  7. That's a fabulous list! I love rereading my Christmas Journals, but gave it up when it was just the two of us and a pretty boring calendar. Your list is appealing, but since I gave away almost all my scrapbooking supplies, it's not feasible. It occurs to me that it's also a list that would make for some great photographs of the season, so I'm copying the list and will see how I do!

    1. Oh Karen if you think your December calendar is boring, you would be napping within 10 minutes of ours (col). I am trying to ensure that after the season is done, something isn't saying "oh we should have done that or that", although someone (no names mentioned here) comes along in my plans just a bit kicking & screaming! I'll say no more. Oh yes, we are covered in snow at the moment, My Wisdom photo was from two summers ago.

  8. Of course, now, I see that you did include photographs in the title of the list. Duh!

  9. I am not a scrapbooker (yet), but your list could be writing prompts too!

    1. Thanks for visiting Granny Sue. I agree the list could be for journaling or story telling. I hope on a few I'll be encouraged to write a little more about the photo I'm intending on using.
