Monday, May 13, 2024

Me On A Monday - May 13th

Good Morning. I am in a post Mother's Day glow.  I celebrated with a Parish Brunch after church service, home to putter a little in my gardens & then an afternoon of a few at home "spa" treatments. Ah the bliss of it only marred by the hissing & growling of the fur girls to each other.  Thursday & Friday the painters were here so not only was there chaos of things removed (hushed) from three areas of the house, they, the fur girls, had to endure people in the house.  Individually they are their sweet self, but together, they become hissing growling menacing beasts. There's no physical contact, just lots of threats.  Cats!

Currently Reading:  I've just finished Twenty Seven Minutes, a debt novel by Canadian author, Ashley Tate. Not remembering who recommended or if it was one I found myself, but I did enjoy.  Even some of the troubled characters I felt for.  

"For the last ten years, the small, claustrophobic town of West Wilmer has been struggling to understand one thing: Why did it take young Grant Dean twenty-seven minutes to call for help on the fateful night of the car accident that took the life of his beloved sister, Phoebe?  Someone knows what really happened the night Phoebe died. Someone who is ready to tell the truth."

Currently Watching: Not a lot. We are one episode into Mary Land on PBS's Masterpiece Theatre.  Anticipating the finale of the TV show, Young Sheldon, this Thursday.  While we all knew the ending, when the show started, the death of the father, George, it still cut a little hard to watch.  The writers have promised us that we won't be left with tears on Thursday when the show wraps up.

Currently Enjoying: the fabulous display of the Crabapple trees at the university.  While most were in full bloom, there were a few on the "alley of bloom" that were just beginning to bloom.  It was a glorious sight to behold.  When we were there, they were just beginning to cut the grass; Two swipes later of the lawn mowers & all the yellow dandelions underneath the trees were gone.

Currently Wrapping Up
: two bible studies.  One was the study of all 40 chapters of Exodus.  Some of it was a little dry (no pun to the desert ...) but overall I really enjoyed the study, especially our break out group. We were a lively group & we had some great discussions.  The running joke was ... it wasn't like that in the movie!  (The Ten Commendations movie with Charlton Heston) The 2nd bible study was an online group.  I really wish there was a "summer school" bible study.  

Currently Making It Official:  I am not putting together a Summer Photo Scavenger Hunt this year.  I believe the SPSH time has come to an end, for me at least.  

And next Monday, May 20th is a stat holiday for us (Victoria Day or to some Two Four weekend), so there won't be a Me On Monday post.  I'll see you for Wednesday's Wisdom this week & next.


  1. Oh goodness, the long weekend already?! I thought it was two weeks away.

    1. Our Victoria Day weekend is early this year. The American Memorial Day weekend is the 27th. Let's just celebrate them both :)

  2. I love that, your fur girls! Ours loathe any renos. It just upsets. them.

    1. It use to be my fur kids as I had a mix of girls & boys, first time just girls. Today (Monday) has been better, no hissing or growling this afternoon, but barely standing to be in the same room at the same time ... we mostly ignore.

  3. What a shame the dandelions had to go, they complement the crabapple blossom beautifully.
    I was sorry to hear there will be no SPSH this year but everything has its season and you had been organising it for many years - for which we were very grateful!
    I do hope that the cats have calmed down now and that the newly hushed rooms are looking good.

    1. Thanks Deb. Dandelions left to grow or mowed over is such a hot debate. There's the movement of No Mow May for dandelions for the bees. But the university's bee experts tell us that the dandelions (non native to Canada) have no nutritional value to the bees. The girls are calmer this afternoon. I am really liking the paint colours we picked out, especially the kitchen & hallway colour.

  4. Goodness, two queens in the house...I had two calicoes at the same time in a one bedroom apartment. They must coexist somehow. Glad you got some fresh colors in your house.

    1. There's nothing like a fresh coat of paint to spruce things up. The fur girls are finally able to be in the same room without hissing ... this use to happen when we had the professionals come in to do their nails, we spent days afterwards in a hissing contest.

  5. I’m almost sure that I’ll take on SPSH this year (with help from The Best Friend) … I’ll be in touch directly this week.

  6. Brunch and a spa treatment, nice! The trees are beautiful. I wish more places would be less brutal with their lawn care. There's a series on Netflix on Moses that's getting geed press. I plan on checking into it.

    1. How lovely to see you back to blogging & movie reviews. I don't have Netflix but I do have a "friend" that does & she often tapes series for me, so I'll check out the Moses one - thanks. My at home self spa treatment was fun, a bit of work to plan, but still if you don't treat yourself, who will (lol).

  7. Hope the fur girls are settling down!
    I wish the dandelions were left, but, I guess the lawns need to look more manicured.
    I'm sorry the summer photo scavenger hunt won't take place this year, although, to be quite honest, I didn't finish the winter one!

    1. I won't say never, but for now photo hunts aren't on my agenda. There was some growling early this morning (Tuesday) but it was more of a get away from my bowl request.

  8. The flowering trees are one of my favorite things about spring! I'm sorry, too, about the Summer Photography Scavenger Hunt, but I totally understand your desire to let it go. Many thanks for keeping it up! Lots of lilacs and spirea are blooming here in Wisconsin. I hope ours are still blooming when we get home tomorrow night.

    1. Our lilacs are just coming into bloom & oh the purples this year seem deeper & richer in colour. Spring does have so many trees in bloom; the redbuds are also starting to bloom along side the apple trees - the scent is wonderful.

  9. Those apple trees look gorgeous. Such a beautiful colour ❤️. I too am sorry to here about the SPSH but quite understand your decision. You've carried the mantle for quite some time and I applaud you for that. If the anonymous poster does decide to take up the reins, do let me know. x x

    1. Karen thanks, that was very kind. I will definitely make sure you know any links for a SPSH.
