Monday, May 27, 2024

Me On A Monday - May 27th

Good Morning. I trust all is well in your part of the world.

Currently Reading
: Just finished Robert Hardman's book, King Charles III.  It was a big book & Robert writes well, although for me his attention to facts & details can be a little dry at times in any of his books.  But over all I enjoyed.

Also on my reading watchlist is the Summer's Insider Report.  This is a paper magazine produced & given out by the local grocery chain. It's a very popular read in Ontario.  Lots of new summer products introduced; new tastes from all around the world.  

Currently TV Watching: We finished Mary Land & for us the ending was a little abrupt & not a satisfying ending at all, too many loose items, in our opinion.  We have started to watch on Brit Box, After The Flood.  

Currently Watching Nature : I'm waiting for arrival of the returning Hummingbirds. I've put out my specific Hummingbird feeder with a fresh batch of sugar water. The yellow Finches have returned & we have been getting quite a few Flickers in the garden.  The Woodpecker has given up trying to drill in our house (thankfully) & I can hear "him" off in the farmer's wood lot.  I do chuckle at myself because if you told me in my 20's I'd be a bird watcher one day, I would have laughed & said you were quite mad, but here we are.  Life does take us on some interesting paths. Oh yes & we bought a new bird bath. We have been searching for a few years now & I'm glad we waited for this one.  It is exactly what I wanted for the garden.  We have two batches of baby black squirrels, one nest in the front garden, one in the back garden.  We also have a new batch of baby chipmunks, 3 little ones at the front of the house.  Oh my they are tiny.

Currently Doing: I attended a card class, the first in 4 long years with this demonstrator. It was chaotic but good fun.  Met lots of new "neighbours". I got three birthday cards made in a style & stamp selection that I wouldn't have tried on my own at home.  

I've signed up for a free journaling workshop at the beginning of June. It is being hosted by a newly formed group "The Real Housewives".  Just their group name is interesting & the workshop is listed as "Juice & Journaling" so I'm going to assume that we will be provided with some juice during the workshop.  

Wishing my British friends & American friends a happy holiday Monday. 


  1. I'll have to see how After The Flood goes. From the makers of Happy Valley, so far it seems a little off to me.

    1. Our Brit Box has only 4 of the 6 episodes of After The Flood, hopefully we'll get the last two released this week. It's definitely not Happy Valley quality ... IMO

  2. I can't imagine a woodpecker trying to break through the walls of your house - no wonder he has given up! I do love the sound of a woodpecker (in the trees!)
    I'm glad you enjoyed your card class, it's good to use opportunities like that to try a new style without having to buy new supplies at home!

    1. Thanks Deb, one of the cards I would never make again, the demonstrator called it "grunge" style & it is definitely not my style (col). Our tree guy told us that woodpeckers aren't always looking for food when they are banging on things, apparently they do it to make noise, hence why you'll see woodpeckers on metal poles. He wasn't sure if it is to attract a mate or let others know "his" territory. I love nature!

  3. Your patio is so lovely! I think this is the first photo I've seen of it. Love the way your flower beds surround it. We've seen our first hummingbirds, but are waiting for the Baltimore Orioles to reappear. We have jelly in the feeder waiting for them, but the sparrows have decided they like it as well!

    1. Thank you Karen. I should take some current photos of my other flower beds - everything is looking so lush after all the rain we have had these last few days. we have seen one hummer about; the Balitmore Orioles seem to only fly through our yard; in the south end of the village one person gets 20-30 of both Orioles & Hummingbirds at the same time & I was once invited into his garden to watch. It was breath taking to see. I tried the grape jelly, the wasps found & made themselves a nuisance!

  4. Replies
    1. Thanks Jenn. From my spot on the patio I can look out & see the big field & forest behind us - nothing like your wildlife views though. :)

  5. I really like your patio area and the bird bath looks lovely. I don't have a bird bath, but, the birds seem to drink from the cats' water dish, although I haven't seen them bathing in it!

    1. Thank you Bless, we really enjoy our patio, it's a place to collect our thoughts & selves from the busyness of the day. So far only the BlueJays have had a drink from the new birdbath, the Robins are still using the old one for bathing. I'm just happy to offer a choice (col).

  6. I need to put out fresh sugar water. We only have one hummer at a time, and we do have flowers they come to, but the feeder is something I like to offer. I enjoy watching the other birds we get, too.

    And aren't the baby chipmunks adorable?!

    1. I do have flowers that are suppose to draw in the Hummers, but it doesn't seem to work all that well. The baby chipmunks are just so small & sweet; the cats watch from inside & I just know that they also thinks of ... sweet. (col).

  7. Your patio looks so inviting. Just the place to sit and read. It sounds like you have a lot of new life going on at the moment. I hope the woodpecker is happy elsewhere :0)

    1. Thank you Liz. It's been rather cold & wet this week, so not a lot of patio sitting! We now a Yellow Bellied Sapsucker in the yard & they like to make holes in the shrubs & smaller trees.
