Thursday, August 20, 2015

Happy August Lists - Day 20

It's a, I am Changing Up The Order Of Questions for a couple of days.  I'm also maximizing the schedule function as I am off on a mild adventure for the next couple of days.

Question 20 - Something That Upsets Me:

I get quite upset with thoughtless, rude and disrespectful people. That sense of entitlement.  It really does not take a lot of effort to just give a thought to those around you - it is NOT all about you (or me).  Kindness costs nothing of ourselves. Hold the door, let the person with fewer items go before you in the check out line, smile, observe the rules of the road, say thank you.  Practice random acts of kindness at least twice a week.  OK I'm off the soapbox now. 


  1. Agreed; and actually it's so easy to show kindness and compassion.

    1. I recently read that in Japan the first 3-4 years of a child's schooling is all about manners and learning to behave in a group. I like that idea.

  2. I'm with you. Treat everyone the way you'd like to be treated yourself, my dad used to say

    1. Your Dad was quite wise. The Golden Rule seems to have been tossed aside in practice.
