Thursday, August 30, 2018

Take Three Thursday - Taking Flight; Not

In an effort to notice more of the ordinary in my life, I have decided to share what I have noticed this week in Take Three Thursday.   The idea is to take 1 - 3 photos that are linked some how; by theme, by colour, by date, by moment,  by points of view. There is no formal link in but please feel free to join in.   What have you noticed this week?  

Please have a wander over to see what these folks have noticed this week:
Melissa: Daily Life, Bits & Pieces 
Maggie: Farmer's Wife Day By Day 
Eileen: A Bracelet of Days

Another part of our Summer Manifesto included Planes.  Mr Man had heard about this demonstration of  the B29 Bomber being conducted close to us.

The demo included other WWII planes & Mr Man thought this  filled the bill of an adventure for S.M.  While I am not keen about planes, I must admit the information about the planes & their role in WW II along with the restoration of the planes was quite interesting.  

So this week my three plus one,  are the, shall we call them the bridesmaids of the main show.  
This is a Vampire

Mako Shark


L-29 Viper

See you all tomorrow in the 3rd SPSH Link In.


  1. Such clever artwork on the shark!
    See you tomorrow for the link up.

    1. The love & care that has gone into the restoration of this planes was certainly amazing. Each plane (other than the B29) had a person that worked on that plane to talk about it. The B29 because it was taking passengers have an entire flight crew with it.

  2. Great photos, my late partner would have loved that place!

    1. I think there was equal numbers of women & men although on either flight of the B29 I didn't see any women partaking ... prices were rather steep.

  3. Replies
    1. The demo & displays have certainly given me a new perspective on planes & those that resort them.

  4. I know someone who would have loved that! PS: please don't ever call the mighty Spitfire a bridesmaid ...

    1. I think each of the guides for the planes were really good with the kids, they were allowing people to sit in the Mako Shark plane. I have only the greatest respect for all the planes & their role in protecting, my term was only in reference to the fact the B29 was, at this demo the star of the show & probably because it was the one taking flights that day.

  5. We always enjoy plane exhibits (& the ingenious paint jobs!).

    [Just got my Take Three posted a little late today! :)]

    1. The gentlemen doing the restoration on these planes are certainly very proud of their paint jobs.

  6. They are beautifully decorated. Especially the shark.
