Monday, May 29, 2023

Me On A Monday - May 29th

 Good Morning All.  What a lovely weekend in this region.  I spent most of my free time in the garden.  It was glorious.  So much is happening out there.  Several of my perennials have bud colour coming through with lots of promise of magnificent blooms.  My Tree Peony has 10 flower buds.  

We had another crisis with Mr Man's eye.  This time it was the left eye.  Mr Man receives an injection into the eye every 10-12 weeks now to prevent bleeding behind the eye.  When he started receiving this injection 7 years ago, we started out with weekly trips to a Toronto hospital.  About two years into the routine we were able to get an eye doctor closer to home to do the injections.  Last Wednesday he had one of those scheduled "routine" injections.  The next day we had an appointment with the surgeon eye specialist two cities over from us, who did the surgery in March on his right eye. This specialist detected Mr Man's left eye was leaking fluid.  The doctor that did the injection on Wednesday went a little too deep (apparently) & actually punctured the eye.  The eye pressure was dropping quickly, so to prevent further leaking they applied a bandage to the eye in the form of a large medical lens.  Before inserting the lens there was an injection into the eye of a antibiotic to prevent/stop any infection from the hole.  Antibiotic pills to take for 7 days, two new drops for 7 days. Mr Man's left eye is lime green (antibiotic) & enlarged (eye bandage/lens).  Thankfully on the Saturday follow up appointment, tests show no more leakage & no signs of infection.   

The driving to & from these Wednesday to Saturday appointments was crazy.  We encountered, drivers driving on the sidewalks, people driving the wrong way, drivers racing. The young man who was in & out of traffic, speeding along, crashed 10 minutes down the road from us.  He took out a hydro pole (electricity) & required an air ambulance to take him to a trauma centre.  We were re-routed through a shopping mall parking lot.  The road was closed for 12 hours.

Hence why I retreated to my garden every chance I had.

I just started two new  to me book series; War At Home (7 books) & Ashmore Castle (at least 4 books). Both series are by a favourite author, Cynthia Harrod Eagles.

Don't forget that this Thursday the SPSH begins.  Have you printed out the list to keep in your purse/bag/car for reference? 


  1. Oh my goodness, what a drama! Poor Mr Man. I do hope that things continue to improve. No wonder you have been escaping to the garden for some peace and tranquility!

    1. Thanks Deb. I am very exhausted by all his eye drama but unfortunately as we have been told, he has weak eye genes. Thankfully we do have access to some excellent care.

  2. I'm so sorry for the pain and hassle your husband had to endure because of a medical mistake. The driving back and forth sounds awful as well. I hope he makes a perfect recovery! Your white irises are beautiful. They must just glow at dusk! -Jenn

    1. Thanks Jenn. The white iris do have a little glow about them which is helped by the fact they have spread into quite a large clump. The angry drivers out there seem to be growing every day & I can honestly say there doesn't seem to be a specific age or gender for the angry driving.

  3. Those eyes problems sound awful and scary. All the best. Enjoy your garden.

    1. Each treatment or surgery always comes with the promise & hope of being the one that fixes it all, alas, weak eye genes are making it all a challenge. With all the craziness out there, the garden is definitely a retreat.

  4. That sounds traumatic! :( I understand how time in a garden can be soothing {hug}

    1. Thanks. The garden heals me in so many ways & I just adore the quiet.

  5. So glad you have the retreat of your garden, and how terrible it must have been driving through that traffic with nutso drivers all around. And I'm hoping the eye difficulties will settle down somewhat now, so you don't have to endure more traffic battles.

    1. How lovely of you to visit Barbara. I'm not a fan of any city type driving, you not only have to drive your car, but watch & drive for the others. People are just so angry out there. Maybe more people need to spend some quiet time in a garden or woods, nature certainly can heal the unquiet mind. IMO

  6. So sorry to hear about the latest eye problems Mr. Man is having. Poor Mr. Man and poor you, too, having to deal with all the driving and related stress. It can't be easy. I'm glad you have the garden to retreat to. Your irises are beautiful.
    I am looking forward to starting on the SPSH!.

    1. Thank you Bless. The garden is arriving to open blooms all at once it seems. I have a choke cherry tree just behind our fence that is in bloom & scent fills the garden. The fruit is not edible for humans but the birds in late summer make the tree shake with delight as they feast.

  7. Eww. You lost me at punctured his eye!! I do hope Mr man is feeling OK now. What a lot he has to go through. I know the young man who crashed was driving like an idiot but i do hope he's OK. Thankfully you have a lovely garden where you can retreat and find some calm.

    1. The young driver that crashed, is recovering in hospital with two broken legs, & hips. He's lucky in many regards. Mr Man continues to heal & I continue to garden :)

  8. Crikey, how awful for Mr Man! I do hope that he is still recovering nicely and that your stress levels have dropped somewhat!

    1. Mr Man is feeling cursed. The eye surgeon/specialist says Mr Man has very weak gene eyes. I am hopeful that all the bad stuff has be dealt with, now it's just healing time. A few days in the garden perk me right up :)

  9. Gardens are no doubt a haven. Glad you have it. That white iris is lovely. I have one that G gave me a few years ago. It has bloomed for the first time this year (or one clump has). It's actually a very, very pale lilac but I am pleased to see it. My dark purple ones were spoiled by frost this year.

    1. Thanks Lady Ella. We are in the middle of a heat wave & it has brought on my breaded iris to quickly, no time to enjoy for a few days. My white breaded iris have the most wonderful lemon scent.
