Monday, July 31, 2023

Me On A Monday - July 31st

Wishing Harry Potter a very happy 43rd birthday & post birthday wishes to Neville Longbottom who celebrated 43 yesterday.

Not a lot happening on or off the patio.  The garden continues to enjoy all the rain we are receiving. Regionally it has been a wet July. The garden will go into August not looking so strained & exhausted, as in previous years. 

Mushrooms growing in the grass - a lot of rain in July
My daylilies are still providing a riot of colour & the phlox is now coming into bloom along with the purple coneflowers.  

This year I tried growing in a pot, canna lilies & they have started to bloom.  I bought a variety package; so far, I have 1 peach, 2 red, 1 yellow in bloom & still 3 unknown colour spikes to bloom.  I am researching how to keep over the winter once I dig out of the pots.

Unknown Colour Spike (I think it will be yellow)

As for reading, I got a book from the library that Deb had recommended & once I started reading when I realized I had read before; The Night She Disappeared. Thankfully I have more of my Louise Penny books to read until the next few requests come through at the library.

Last week Mr Man had another eye surgery & it went well. Different eye as to the one in March.  We also had to go for follow up appts every day!  We don't know yet what the schedule is like for this week. 

At church we have been having some fun with colours.  Each week someone picks a colour for the next week for us all to wear that colour.  This Sunday it was blue which coordinated with The UN's Day Against People Trafficking colour choice. This coming Sunday (Aug 7th) we have the challenge of wearing polka dots. 

I hope that everyone has a wonderful week ahead of them.  


  1. Oh I do like that idea of everyone coordinating colours and patterns.
    Pleased to hear that the eye surgery went well, you must be able to do that journey on auto-pilot now!

    1. I think our car could do the drive without me now (lol). Although each trip is an adventure of what other drivers are doing! I am surprised at how many are playing along with the colour theme each week, even some of the men are dressing to colour.

  2. Our garden , such as it is anymore, peaks in July. It's downhill from there.

    1. With nature you can never guarantee when things will bloom or if. I've tried to plant so that there is something blooming all season but alas not always within my control, hence why pots of annuals - they can be moved around to fill in gaps.

  3. I'm glad the eye surgery went well. Your flowers look happy :) It's been wet here, too, with one day's rain beating the record last set for the whole month. Yikes!

    1. The lots of rain has been good for the trees especially getting that deep drink. My Rosemary potted plant is not liking so much wet - it prefers a dry setting, so it is getting moved around a lot to keep out of the rain.

  4. The Boy reminded me it was HP's birthday this morning. :) Fingers crossed for Mr Man having a smooth recovery from his eye surgery.

    1. I saw online there were lots of HP birthday themed parties. It is one of the first times I've not done a cake! For Mr Man it is the healing process that his eye struggles with - so far, so good.

  5. I'm quite sure that your church's idea would not be much of a hit at mine. Over the 43 years that I've attended the very formal (but beautiful) service has become more relaxed. But I don't think the congregation would go for color directives. I, however, think it's a very cool idea and would be a lot of fun. Glad to hear the surgery went well, and hopefully, the recovery will go as well, too.

    1. The colour thing was a spontaneous idea, one that I think will end soon, but it has been fun to see how (mostly the ladies) find ways to incorporate the colour. It will probably end when our regular minister returns from holidays in the next few weeks. Ah the recovery process for Mr Man's eyes is always the challenge ... he's been on very strict recovery directives & he's getting bored with the restrictions.

  6. Your garden is looking so nice! I've tried planting canna lilies with very limited success; it's too hot and dry for them, here.
    I'm glad that Mr. Man's eye surgery went well and wish him a speedy recovery. Hope the daily trips up and down become less frequent, eventually.
    I hope you have a good week ahead, Mary-Lou, and find something with polka dots to wear to church on Sunday.

    1. Thanks Bless. Polka dots will not be a problem for me (col). The next colour up might be yellow & that would be a challenge. I think our fun with colour will run its course very soon then I'll have to come up with another idea! Getting adults to play is much more of a challenge than kids.

  7. Happy to hear Mr. Man's surgery went well. Your garden is certainly blooming! I have been reading Shari Lapena this summer, I think you would enjoy her books. The present one is "Someone We Know"

    1. Chris thanks for the book recommendation. I'll check at our library. I am so enjoying my many blooms. :)
