Wednesday, September 23, 2020

Wisdom Wednesday


There are two ways to get enough.  One is to continue to accumulate more & more.  The other, is to desire less.

                G.K. Chesterton

Another piece of wisdom I struggle with.  I have developed a bad case of FOMO (fear of missing out) which I am taking myself in hand about this ailment - the cure, I believe is just a few days away.  For me, October is Gratitude month & as we Canadians move to Thanksgiving on Monday October 12th, I'll be taking  my medication of 31 days of  morning & evening daily thank you for all that I have.


  1. That is a quote worth pondering, but perhaps not too long? Your plan for October sounds wise and wonderful!!

  2. Definitely thought provoking ... gratitude is always a good thing. :)

  3. I dip in and out with a formal gratitude practice. You remind me to start again!

  4. It's always good to take a moment to realise all that we have to be thankful for.

  5. Wise words in both of these - I do like the GK Chesterton. Hoping that your FOMO eases and you can enjoy things again, and the gratitude practice helps. I may just join you :).

  6. I totally agree. So much of what we have or are made to believe we need is irrelevant to what really matters.

  7. That is very true - easier to have enough when you have fewer wants. We have so much to be thankful for. I list at least five things I am grateful for on a daily basis. Started doing that at a very low point in my life and have been doing so, since then.

  8. I love daily gratitude. I always try and thing of something to be thankful for each day. Some days are harder than others but I keep trying.

  9. Not everyone has such as awesome Australian friend like me.
