Monday, January 09, 2023

Me On A Monday - January 9th 2023


Good morning & has not 2023 hit the ground running, we are already into the 2nd week of the new year.  How is everyone doing with their resolutions, promises & goals of 2023.  

Currently Watching Mr Man & I gave ourselves the gift of Brit Box for the new year.  This is a streaming service that has, as the name suggests, past & current British TV series.  I have not as yet, fully explored all the options.  Because of Brit Box we were able to stay awake to see the old year leave (thanks) & the new year arrive (welcome). We were binge watching season 6 of Shetland. Over the course of new year's week, we watched an episode a night of Shetland 7.  We are now in season 11 of Vera & taking it slow. Previous Vera series we had from the library.  We'll be ready for season 12 of Vera to start mid January. Next up on our list will be to catch up with Line of Duty.  

Currently Reading: For the start of January I have Fayne by Anne Marie McDonald & Hester by Laurie Lico Albanese.

Currently Noticing: After weeks of miserable dreary weather, this weekend ,I noticed that the daylight begins just a tad earlier & the sun sets just a wee bit later. I feel this renewal of light with the enthusiasm of a cave dweller. Maybe I am someone running on solar power.

Currently Tidying: And speaking of lights, we were rather late in taking down our primary Christmas tree. I had no trouble this year leaving the tree up until January 7th. Mr Man & I both agreed this was our best tree, ever! Ornaments & lights were seemingly perfectly placed this year.  The room feels just a little bit darker & a little bit emptier.  Of course the rest of the house had Christmas cleared by January 1st. 

Currently Wordless & Goalless: I have enjoyed reading all about your One Little Words (OLW) for 2023. There are some exciting  & engaging words chosen. I have also been in awe with some of the goals you have for yourself this year. So far I haven't filled in my goals sheet for 2023. Now that the tree is down & our Brit Box watching is under control, maybe Mr Man & I will turn an eye to making a list & checking it twice to set ourselves some inspiration for a fabulous & engaging 2023.  Watch this space! (wink wink).




  1. It seems that we share the same taste in tv programmes!
    I am like you and enjoying the extra daylight hours - it's always good once the shortest day of the year has passed.

    1. I am definitely someone that needs a lot of day light to keep me ticking over in the best frame of mind.

  2. Love the idea that you might be running on solar power! I know I have a lot more energy and enthusiasm on bright sunny days. Now that we're home and getting settle back in, working on my intentions for the first quarter will begin in earnest. We'll see how I do.

    1. You always strike me as someone who accomplishes a lot when she sets her mind to it. I'm going to need a lot more sunlight to get my mojo working.

  3. You have reminded me that we have the latest series of Shetland to finish ...
    Your new year goal is obviously meant to be "one day at a time" ... who cares about the goals of others!

  4. I wasn't going to have a OLW this year but then Joy (Diary of a Retired Teacher) mentioned focusing on the Three Cs - contentment, consistency and confidence. This immediately rang a bell for me so they are the words I'll be focusing on this year. I really should record it on my blog shouldn't I! xx

    1. I like those three c's. I've had a quote come up at least once a day this last week ... something is brewing for me as well.

  5. That is an excellent idea, subscribing to BritBox. I am tired of the Hollywood-style shows.

  6. Go for it Jenn. I think money well spent.

  7. It's hard to believe that we are already in the 2nd week of the new year, isn't it? Sounds like you've enjoyed the first week and I hope that week 2 will be as pleasant.

    1. Thanks Bless. As always I try to find a piece of joy in each day. Some days it is more of a challenge.

  8. We were gifted with Disney, but Britbox is better. Acorn is good too although we are presently having some difficulty with it.

    1. I had thought about Acorn, but the budget only stretched to one & Brit Box won as it seemed to have more of our favourites available. I would like the Disney channel. Maybe I should put that on our next Christmas wish list :)

  9. Your comment about running on solar power made me smile! I love the return of the light too. Glad your tree continued to give you pleasure and enjoyment for as long as possible. I'm intrigued that our British television is providing so much entertainment (though I do think we do some kinds of drama very well here).

    1. The thing I notice most about climate change is the lack of sunshine in January, it use to be spectacular against all the snow - there's no snow right now. Oh yes no one does murder mystery like the Brits. American TV tries, but they seem more focused on the gore aspect & the horror, I'll say no more for now.

  10. What a pretty tree! We have Britbox and love Shetland and Vera. We're never tempted to drop that particular service :)

    1. Yes the pair of glass table top trees were so much fun to work with - Mr Man says we should keep up for the month of January as they sparkle which is not necessarily a Christmas thing. As for Shetland, I just hope the change in lead DI with Ashley Jensen taking that role (Agatha Raisin) works with the rest of the cast. Fingers crossed.

  11. Yes, everything always looks rather bare and forlorn when the tree and decs come down, doesn't it? Glad you were so happy with yours this year. Hooray for the gradually lengthening days! I have just looked at your blog and realised that, though I have been reading regularly I have yet to say happy new year! (Maybe it was in an email, or on my blog?) Hope I did say it but to be on the safe side: HAPPY 2023 to you both!

    1. We have had such gloomy dreary weather, with no sunshine, so I am doubly missing the Christmas tree lights. Happy New Year wishes have been received. Blogger is playing up for me, making commenting a challenge!

  12. Several times I have tried to watch programs my British blogging buddies have recommended only to learn they are not available here in the U.S. Waaaaa!!! With all the shows on Netflix, HBO, Prime, Paramount, Disney - I quite often can't find a thing to watch. Many times the shows available in Great Britain are much more to my liking. Maybe I need to move?
    I loved our tree this year, too. In fact, I loved this Christmas. Glad you did, too. Happy new year!!

    1. Leslie it was good to see you visiting today. I believe Brit Box or it might be Acorn for you, is available in the USofA. I am sure Christmas this year with your new Grandson would have been especially delightful - his first full on Christmas. Sending you lots of good wishes for a fab 2023.

  13. I am also wordless, but have no plans for that. But 2/3 of the way through January I have started both a short term and long term goals list. The former is always so much easier for me, and thus far the latter only has carry-overs from last year. But I'll get there, as I plan on 2023 being much more active than 2022.

    1. I've also started a goals list but so far only goals are for my crafting this year. The top goal this year is to stop feeling guilty that I have a stash of scrapping & card supplies & get on with enjoying the stash but also using.
