Monday, January 29, 2024

Me On A Monday - January 29th


Local Conservation Park

I saw on a few other blogs that I lurk about on, questions & answers about self care in winter.  Thought I would give it a go.

How Do You Fight The Winter Blues:  I'm no expert on this & I often succumb to the blues & have to give myself a good shaking or two to snap out of it, but some of the things I try to do are; get crafty, read, do an exercise class (online/YouTube). I've also discovered "walks in the woods" on YouTube, it is a wonderful way to give being on the stationary bike or treadmill a lift.   I will also spend some time with seed & bulb catalogues dreaming of my potential garden adventures.

Flannel Sheets/PJs- Yes or No:  oh yes, we both like the cozy feeling of flannel sheets. I also wear flannel pjs in the winter with big fuzzy bed socks, although I don't wear the socks in bed. We also have a few flannel lap blankets about, although the cats usually have laid claim to those before I get a chance to sit down.  We have a gas fireplace in the family room, which is delightful for a reading cozy up under a flannel blanket.

Local Conservation Park 

Favourite Warm Beverage:  tea & lots of it.  Mr Man is more of a coffee drinker but I am turning him to tea, late mid morning.  

Not very often, but sometimes I'll make hot chocolate & not from a powder mix. It is a really decadent treat. I did buy us some chocolate bombs with the hope that we would use in our rewarding hot chocolate, after a walk outside.  For those that haven't experienced the joy/fun of chocolate bombs, here's an explanation: "hot chocolate bombs, or glossy chocolate orbs filled with cocoa mix, marshmallows, sprinkles, and other edible baubles. They are a truly over-the-top way to level up your cocoa game. Once plopped inside a mug full of warm milk, the bombs open up in dramatic fashion, revealing the goodies inside and creating a decadent cup of hot cocoa once stirred together."  There are lots of recipes online to make chocolate bombs.  On a side note about chocolate decadent treats, you can now get chocolate piñatas! 

Suggestions For Fun Winter Time Activities:  stay in doors, craft or read. I know the answer is supposed to include outdoor activities & for lots of folks it does.  Some people, ski, ice skate, long walks, but not me. There are not any local outdoor skating rinks & skating indoors is usually crowded & far too many children racing about. We used to have at least 5 outdoor skating rinks in our village, but over the years because of unpredictable weather (often too mild for ice making) & a lack of volunteers to maintain the rinks, the village is down to maybe 1 & this year, it hasn't been up & running because of the weather.  

Skiing is far too expensive for me at this time. I have done both types of skiing; down hill (not good at it at all) & cross-country skiing, which I liked, but still not very good at it.  I used to visit my friend, M, who lived in Ottawa where there are some fabulous ski hills.  She was an excellent downhill skier & even skied in the Swiss Alps one year. M was a very patient teacher, but I lack the natural balance skill, I never advanced off the bunny hills (beginners & children) & even then I fell more than I skied.  I do like walks however short in the cold, especially if there's a hot chocolate bomb waiting for me when I get back inside.

What about you, how do you make friends with winter? 

Also to note for inside winter fun, the 100 Day Project (crafting) is coming up - begins on February 18th.  Are you going to participate?  I've already got my list of projects I would like to complete during these 100 days.

Local Conservation Park


  1. I'm a convert to being a proponent of self care (so much so, I'm thinking of hyphenating self-care to use as 2025's OLW!) I remember my mum saying, "Who cares for the carer?"
    Yes to cosy pjs, mugs of tea throughout the day and wrapping up warmly to go out walking with Miss Tilly.
    I'm almost set for the 100 Day Project, just need to finalise a few ideas - glad we'll be doing this together. :)

    1. Self care is certainly something I've let slide, especially in my doing what I enjoy. Mr Man does not feel the need for nature connection & since he won't go, I've not gone. My walking at home YouTube is to get me into some shape so I can join the walking group, which is local. I'm hoping that by end of February I can join in without harm to myself - they walk at quite a pace. I'm feeling excited this year about the 100 Day Project - glad you'll be walking along side me in this :)

  2. As you are probably aware, we are going on a short trudge almost every day. We are often looking for photos and often not finding any, but I think that making the effort is good for us. Sometimes, we drive to a spot; sometimes we just walk up the street. So far, we have always walked back down it too. 😊

    1. Yes I admire that you & Sue get out there for your adventures. Mr Man is never ever going to join me on winter walks. I'm using my YouTube walk at home program to get into some kind of shape so I can join without harm, the twice a week walking club as I wouldn't walk alone in the woods/park. :)

  3. Me and Winter tolerate each other, but I wouldn't say we are besties! The chocolate bombs sound very decadent and perfect for warming you up.

    1. I'm with you, Winter & me barely on speaking terms. Chocolate bombs are once in a while treat, too many calories, too much sugar.

  4. Yet again I pressed enter before putting in my details!!!!

    1. I hear you with the quick on the draw (LOL). Although some days commenting on some blogs becomes like a game of cat & mouse. I'll say no more :)

  5. Some very good ways to deal with this lack of sunshine and cold. I'm just not a crafty person, but I'm sure it's good to pass the time. I force myself to get outside for a walk most days. -Jenn

    1. I know that getting outside is a definite key to keeping the winter blues away. I joked with Mr Man that if we had a dog to walk we would definitely be forced to get outside, I did get a sneer from the cats on that subject. I just need to kick myself in the pants & get out there on the less blustery days. :)

  6. I've never heard of a chocolate bomb, but I know some folks for whom they would make great gifts. I don't use flannel sheets, but I do like layering blankets.

    1. There are some really fancy chocolate bombs at the craft fairs with so many flavours. Of course there are the adult versions - Baileys is my favourite. The prepackaged ones I bought are not so fancy but still tasty. I like layering the flannel blankets to get just the right weight & warmth :)

  7. Windows to the low winter sun with little plants that are thinking it's almost spring! What they know that I don't is ok with me. Lots of layers of blankets...I sleep better I've found with the weight of them. My craft is returning to the clay studio after 3 years away. Feels like a big deal to me. No good outside unless walk is clear of snow/ice, then I like simple walks without big hills! Those chocolate bombs sound wonderful.

    1. How fun it sounds for you to return to your clay studio - our art in any form is so important to feed the soul (IMO). It is definitely the ice under the snow that is sneaky & a fall is always my fear.

  8. These are all good ideas!
    I love snowshoeing. It really gets me going.
    I do suffer, as well.

    1. I've thought that snowshoeing might be a good combo for me, it would be something in between skiing & just walking & the snowshoes would give me more balance. Great suggestion Jenn.

  9. I don't like winter and we don't even have a proper winter with snow where I live! I did experience that sort of winter when I spent 6 years in Wisconsin, but, I was much younger and better able to handle the cold. So, yes to flannel sheets, fuzzy bed socks (I do wear them in bed) and several blankets and quilts! Also, warm knitted sweaters, cardigans, and socks!
    I like the idea of 100 days of projects - maybe I'll join you this year!

    1. There's lots of info online about the 100 Day Project & it's nice because you cannot do the project wrong (col). I use the framework as my kick in the pants to get some more done on my PHDs (projects half done). I think I'm still having some residue affects from the bout of vertigo I had a few years back as I feel a little unsteady on my skates & sometimes just walking the rough paths of the park.

  10. I have never heard of the 100 Day Project, I will have to look it up. We have been very lucky this year in Southern Ontario with how mild the winter has been so far.

    1. Gill how lovely to have you drop by. I cannot remember how I lost your blog link, but it's been found again with this comment (yeah). The weather in this region has really been baffling. It's not good for the crops and/or insects, the naughty kind, which are normally killed off in the deep cold. It's the the endless greyness of January that has bothered me the most. Hope you join in with the 100 day project, it can be anything you want it to be. :)

  11. Will give sauce walks in the woods on YouTube a try. I have a treadmill in the garage but it gets pretty monotonous just walking on it. I do tend to listen to books though. Love the idea of flannel sheets. I think we need to invest! I haven't made my homemade hot chocolate this year maybe this weekend. Thanks for the reminder.

    1. Leslie how lovely of you to visit. I have thought of moving our treadmill into the garage, but it was recommended not to do because the temperature fluctuations could damage the motor & gears - -20 temperatures are not good for gears apparently, who knew! Oh the reward of hot chocolate sounds a treat for the weekend. :)
