Monday, January 08, 2024

Me On A Monday - January 8th

 Good Morning.  How is your 2024 going so far?  In our region Old Man Winter has made a blustery appearance on the weekend.  I knew that the unseasonably mild Christmas weather would not last.  

Currently Reading: Ken Follett's book; The Armor Of Light.  It's a big book,735 pages.  Even though I am a hundred pages in I am not sure I am "loving" this book.  There are parts that really engage me. I enjoy how Ken writes novels with lots of historical information in the content but there are some elements that I just don't feel are necessary to move the story along.  But I've got another 600 pages to go either way on the book.  😀

Currently ScrapBooking: these are a couple of pages I created over the Christmas break.  I enjoyed working with the paper collection, such high quality paper.  It's P13, Cozy Winter collection, that I have had in the stash for a few years.  I made up two pages when I got the collection, but never used the pages. These two pages will go along with the previous two made pages into my garden album for December's garden photos. On the new newly made pages, the elements in the corner clusters were all fussy cut by me & I am quite pleased with them.  I later did find the package of premade die cuts; I had put them in a "safe" place to easily find later ... hahahaha

Weather Page - new this year

House Page - new this year

The two previous pages, these pages will get finished when my December photos arrive.  I'll get to use the found package of die cuts on these two!

Currently Ponding: I've many things to work out, not least is what I am going to do with my blog.  I think, even with a few breaks over 2023, I have lost a lot of the mojo for creating.  How you of those that blog daily, do it, I'm truly in admiration.  I had thought at one time that having just the two regularly scheduled posts would help me with the discipline of habit.  A little, maybe.  For now no final decision made. 

Another ponding is on OLW.  I am definitely not going to do as a scrapping project or even a journaling project.  I will think about my OLW phrase from last year of "more or less" when I am planning out my week.  Which leads me to another ponding in the realm of stash busting, decluttering; PHDs - project have done.  I have talked about what I was pondering about to do with these.  Last year's mini scrapbook for OLW was less than half done.  I've decided to cut & run on this project.  The first 3 months of 2023 the pages were not really full hearted creative pages, so I've no problem shredding & moving on.  That was a first clue that I was done with OLW.   

And now we ready ourselves for another week of January 2024.  Kids in our region return to school after 2 weeks of holiday.  A full on week of appointments, meetings & outings.  Fingers crossed that the weather folks have "the storm of the century" brewing, are wrong; some of my appointments & meetings require a bit of a drive!!!💨


  1. I stopped creating a specific OLW project a few years ago, as I found it was adding to my stress levels - do what works for you. :)
    PS: I hope you continue with blogging.
    I enjoy a Ken Follett novel, but they are usually weighty tomes!

    1. Thanks Ruth, my pondering may just be that NY's thought of reorganizing my life. It sometimes feels quite boring to me. OLW running as background thoughts, will work for me this year. You are right, stressing about what are our fun stress releases is a sign :) I cannot believe how physically heavy this book is, I prop up with pillows!

  2. I have no goal to blog daily, but I almost do. I just post about daily life and photos, so there is usually something. I like the challenge of trying to make the mundane at least somewhat readable and interesting.

    1. A/C you & Sue certainly don't have a mundane life & I really enjoy all your photos from the wanderings you do.

  3. I've found the blogs with comments/replies are kind of like conversations, thus it's a social media I guess. But I like just reading and looking at others' photos and finding out about the lives lived far and wide! Thanks for sharing your thoughts, and best wishes however you decide!

    1. Thanks Barbara for popping round. I agree blogging has introduced us to many new friends & we get to see what daily life is like in other regions of the world. I see that you have several blogs to manage so hats off to you for that. I haven't reached any decision as yet, & maybe it was just an out loud thought that will pass :)

  4. Our part of the world is back to school and work! Well, our family. There are many who continued to work while others holidayed.
    All the best!

    1. It is difficult when some in the household aren't going out to work (lol). I think with all the blended work at home, work at the office blurs the line sometimes of when it is holiday time.

  5. 2024 is off to a very good start for me! So far, the first week brought much joy and a lot of social activity! My daughter was home for the holidays, we held an important religious ceremony, we had friends visit and we visited family and friends! Now comes the difficult part of coming down from that high and putting things back to normal while still retaining that joy!

    Your scrapbook pages are lovely! My sister gifted me with two books on scrapbooking and my daughter printed out some photos for me, so, I think this is a sign that I need to get back to scrapbooking, myself!

    I do hope you will continue to blog. I really look forward to reading your blog posts every Monday and Wednesday. I treat my blog as a daily journal and just write about my day. I'm thrilled that people actually read and comment on it!

    1. You have had a great start to 2024. When we took down our main Christmas tree this past Saturday, I played traditional Christmas carols & kept the lights on the tree. For me it was a relief to have tidy again, although I do love all the fuss for Christmas & wouldn't have it any other way. Thanks, I am pleased with the pages. The lack of sunlight makes taking indoor photos a challenge & flash adds such a harsh light. I take mostly photos of my garden, hence why my garden albums are the biggest. I certainly enjoy your blog posts.

  6. Oh those 'safe' places we find to put things in - why do we always forget where they are!
    I can't begin to imagine the weather conditions you cope with every winter, I know I would be absolutely longing for spring to arrive!
    I was in a blogging dilemma too, since giving up scrapbooking I sometimes find it hard to think about what to say and share. But I like to think of us as a kind of online penfriend community so please don't stop blogging!!!

    1. Deb I really like that idea of us being online penfriends. I am glad you continue to blog. Now that winter is settling in, it will be April before I can even think of spring like weather, hence why I spent a lot of time trying to be friends with winter although most of the time I think of us as frenemies.

  7. I found this tab open on my computer... I got distracted. Obviously lol And then yesterday I found out my husband was exposed to covid the day before *sigh*

    Usually nothing goes on here. I like it that way much better lol

    1. I did LOL along with you about the open tabs & distraction. I do hope your husband hasn't actually contracted Covid. There is a LOT of it around. I am double masking if I'm in an enclosed space with people now.

  8. Wow! I don't think I've ever been so late to getting your blog! It's a crazy time here, and the days are flying by. I would be so, so sorry if you stopped blogging, but I do understand the dilemma. I could never do daily blogging. As you know, I go in fits and starts. I'll be away from the blog soon for nearly two weeks. There will be a couple of scheduled posts, but not much. If you do give up the blog, I hope we can find a way to stay connected. I would miss this internet friendship! I'm hoping for good driving weather today. I have a long list of errands to run, and the snow is coming down pretty fast. Have a great day!

    1. Thanks Karen & yes we would find a way to stay connected. Right now I'm not making a decision about it. Sounds like another travel adventure in works. Thankfully we got Mr Man's follow up appt. in before Friday's storm beginnings, we expect the storm to arrive just at dinner time, where I plan to be safely tucked up in.
