Trusting: that the medication our vet gave us to give to the fur girls 90 minutes before their vet visit this weekend does the trick of relaxing them & making the whole adventure less stressful for them. I'm also trusting that the administration of these pills does not result in either Mr Man or myself being clawed! If any of you have ever tried to pill a cat you know of my fear & trepidation.
Grateful: to the skills & kindness of my friend. She was home from her cottage to tend to a few appointments so we got together for tea. Since she won't be around for my birthday, she presented me with my birthday gift early. She's an amazing crocheter & she's made me a pretty face wash cloth & market carry bag. She knows I like pink.
Inspired: I must admit that there's not a lot inspiring me lately. I've been reading some online articles about battling the thought process we all use of "I deserve it". This thinking is what often gets us into trouble, either with too much weight, too much debt, too much stuff. I won't say that I feel inspired by this new information, but I am pondering how in my own life I've justified certain purchases or behaviours with this very thought. Bad day at work, I deserve that donut, or any other bargaining excuse. These articles were accompanied with one other article. There's two things you need to do to create a better version of yourself or your life; (1) stop doing "X'" (fill in the behaviour you want to change & (2) start doing "x" (fill in the positive behaviour) Seems rather simple, but is it really that simple? I'm not sure.
Fun: Mr Man & his best friend have spent a few hours at our local library using the 3D printer, for free, to make knobs & gadgets for their telescopes. Luckily one of the stock colours of plastic thread the library had, was Celestron orange. Celestron is the maker of their telescopes. Boys & their toys ...
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Source: Internet |
Good luck with the trip to the vets. I had to hold my friend's cat at 'tablet time' once ... never again!
ReplyDeleteThere's been unrest & upset today with the 2 because we had dinner guests last night, Smokey gets very upset with people other than us. My friend who is a vet said I can open the capsule & sprinkle on their wet food.
DeleteHere's hoping the medication is effective! Your photos are gorgeous today!
ReplyDeleteThanks. The red is a dahlia, The Bishop of Llandaff ( a cathedral in Wales) & the spider's web I almost walked into!
DeleteHolly, my guest cat, scratches and bites even when not being given a pill! She has a manic phase every evening.
ReplyDeleteOne of our cats has a wild beast time about 9pm - she runs about the house for about 20 minutes & then rests, thankfully they aren't biters - although we'll see when it's pill time, but I'm going to try sprinkling on their wet food rather than giving the whole pill. I know the might of a cat!
DeleteWe'd need darker skies to make a personal telescope make sense here, but that kind of "toy" does appeal to me, and what fun to use a 3D printer for parts :)
ReplyDeleteI've forgotten where I saw a discussion of "I deserve that" as a reason there's so much personal debt. It's backwards thinking, really, but habits of thought are hard to change.
Good luck with the cat meds. Tricky, I know.
Mr Man hasn't been out for several nights, the smoke from Northern Ontario fires, mixed from the Prairie provinces fires has been making for clouded viewing. :( We have decided to sprinkle on the wet food & hope for the best.
DeleteGood luck with the kitties. Getting pets to take medicine is always an adventure. That "I deserve it" philosophy often gets me in trouble on with carbohydrates, sometimes that sweet or salty snacks and other times with the second helping of mashed potatoes. If changing behavior were only so simple as rationalization, we'd all be better (skinnier) people.
ReplyDeleteI wish changing eating behaviours was as easy as saying Stop X Start Y ... I spend so much time now reading labels & I do shop mostly on the outer ring of the grocery store (where it's all fresh produce & such).
DeleteThat crochet bag seems very "you". A hand made gift is always special. Enjoy!
ReplyDeleteI instinctively went the wrong way with that whole notion of deserving that you mention. Recently I've been considering whether I deserve the life I now have. Despite objective deliberations, I think I do not. Neither the trials nor the blessings. Neither is helpful ... but I definitely believe I always deserve cake and other yummy treats!
Oh I think we all deserve to have a good life, how ever we define that, no one deserves heart ache or nasty things. I think the article was talking about justifying our own less than good for us behaviour. I have a stamp that says, who cares what the question is, cake is the answer! Maybe for me, not so much cake (lol).
DeleteHope the visit to the vet went well - I took Tilly earlier this week and she was not happy!
ReplyDeleteA free-to-use 3D printer in your library? Wow!
The vet visit did not happen, the medication did not work (they threw it up) one fur girl spent the next 2 days under the bed hiding in fear something might happen - many scratches, many bites - vet is trying to think of what next. Yes the 3D printer rotates among the 7 branches, we have until September at our branch.