Wednesday, October 02, 2024

2024 SPSH - 3rd & Final Link In

Today is the 4th & final link in for the 2024 SPSH, hosted by;  This West London Life - 2024 SPSH

For this final link in, these are my finds:

#1 Family Pet or Cute Animal; of course it would be one of my chipmunks. They definitely make me happy to see them about my garden.  Right now they are busy gathering as many peanuts as I feed for their long winter snooze. 

#12 A Place of Worship; the beginning of June I switched churches, this is my previous church.

#15 Something You've Repurposed; A friend gave me this years ago, it's for your dresser or table to put jewelry into the little cup. I use on the patio to hold bird seed or peanuts.

Alternate A: Something misspelt or grammatically incorrect  I found  this recipe years ago in a magazine - the recipe & photo are for a chicken crescent ring, the ingredient list is for the chicken ring, but the instructions talk about adding pudding, bananas, coconut & whipping cream to the shell.  I've kept because it makes me chuckle.

Alternate B: Stamping; a card that I made for a friend's upcoming birthday.

And that is a wrap for the 2024 SPSH - thank you Ruth for hosting the search.

Wednesday, August 28, 2024

2024 SPSH - 2nd Link In

 Good Morning.  I hope everyone is having a wonderful summer.  Today is the second of 3 link ins for the 2024 SPSH, hosted by Ruth & her Best Friend over at This West London Life; the list can be found at: This West London Life - 2024 SPSH

For this link in, these are my finds:

#3 - A Colourful Front Door; this one has a colourful past.  I like how the scales of justice are the keystone.  

We crossed an item off my bucket list by walking the reformatory (prison) grounds.  This reformatory closed in 2002 as has been under much discussion as what to do with it.  Overall the main buildings are in good shape. There's about 1000 acres which link in with trails along a river & the university. Difference between a prison & reformatory is that one is governed controlled by the federal government (prison) & the other is controlled provincially. Reformatories are for non-violent crimes.

#4 - What's On Your Feet; my new this season red running shoes (or as some would call them, sneakers or joggers) (trust me no jogging will be done in this shoes).  They are very comfortable & I can wear them with several outfits.  They debuted on Canada Day.

#5 Favourite Summer Food/Meal; hands down or should I say spoons down & I should more often, is Chapman's frozen yoghurt - Black Jack. Oh so good.

#7 Favourite Summer Reading Nook/Space; this is also a favourite winter, autumn & spring space. The floral case is for my bible.

#8 Something Colourful In Your Garden/Neighbourhood; I grew these annuals from seed.  Silver Cup Lavatera (Lavatera trimestris) (aka Tree Mallows)

#11 A Kitchen Utensil You Hardly Ever Use; we rarely have mashed potatoes, usually just at Thanksgiving & Christmas, so my potato masher does not see a lot of action.

See you on Wednesday October 2nd,  for the final link in of the 2024 SPSH.


Wednesday, August 14, 2024



No one else is supposed to understand your calling.

It wasn't a conference call.

                                Source: Internet

Monday, July 29, 2024

2024 SPSH - First Link In

 Good Morning.  I hope everyone is having a wonderful summer.  Today is the first link in for the 2024 SPSH, hosted by Ruth & her Best Friend over at This West London Life; the list can be found at: This West London Life - 2024 SPSH

For this link in, these are my first finds

#2. Look up to the sky; took this photo while waiting at one of Mr Man's many eye appointments.  It's my angel in the sky.

#6 Something With Wings; for the first time ever, we have (that we noticed) Blue Jay fledglings in our garden. Just as noisy & squawky as their parents.

#9 Moving Water; I treated myself to a new solar birdbath fountain, it has several different fountain heads & I really like the sound & sight of the moving water.

#10 Something that casts a shadow; this year the ferns have been massive & plentiful

#13 Mark the passage of time; this treatment for our two Ash Trees happens every two years, it's to give them a fighting chance against the destructive & invasive Emerald Ash Borer, when we see this ring of injection tubes, we know two years have past;

#14 Your nation's flag, hanging proudly in our back garden; 

  • Photography takes an instant out of time, altering life by holding it still.”  – Dorothea Lange

  •         “A camera is a SAVE button for the mind's eye.”

Monday, July 01, 2024

Me On A Monday


Happy Canada Day!

O Canada!
Our home and native land!
True patriot love in all of us command.
With glowing hearts we see thee rise,
The True North strong and free!
From far and wide,
O Canada, we stand on guard for thee.
God keep our land glorious and free!
O Canada, we stand on guard for thee.
O Canada, we stand on guard for thee.

Happy 157 years Canada

Monday, June 03, 2024

Me On A Monday - June 3rd


To everything, there is a season and a time for every purpose under  heaven ... (Ecclesiastes 3. 1)

The time has come, the Walrus said, to talk of many things ... (Lewis Carroll)

From The First Me On A Monday, June 8 2015

It was on this day in 2015 that I made my first blog post ... and now the time has come for my last blog post ... of course never say never.  I may post some Wisdom over the summer, just to keep the blog open & current, in case I pick up this thread again.

And before I forget, Ruth & her Best Friend are hosting this year's Summer Photo Scavenger Hunt (SPSH).  Ruth's link for the list can be found at: This West London Life - 2024 SPSH

Thank you all, for your support & fellowship over the last 9 years, it's been interesting. 💝

From The Last Me On A Monday - June 3rd 2024

Wednesday, May 29, 2024



Source: Internet

People want you to tip toe around their feelings, while they tap dance over yours.  

                                        ... The Internet