I have too many flaws to be perfect, but too many blessings to be ungrateful.
... Zig Zaglar
I am on another journey about clutter & how it impacts me (all of us) & I heard this wisdom today while waiting at an appointment with Mr Man & I could not wait to share.
N.U.T.S. = Nagging Unfinished Tasks Stress.
My recent discovery is Robyn at Minimalist Home & to add to my joy, she's Canadian.
Good Morning. Hope everyone had a good weekend. A quick round up of last week.
First surgery for Mr Man has been done & every thing so far is good, the doctor said surgery went better than expected. All the nurses & doctors were incredibly kind & cheerful. It was a very long day for us, we left the house at 10am & got home about 6:40pm. Thankfully the weather was dry & clear so made the driving part for me easier than anticipated. When the 2nd surgery happens in 6-8 weeks, I'll know exactly where everything is, so no worries about driving.
Several people who attend my church are at the moment sick with Covid. One of our elderly members was taken to hospital for oxygen support & according to her husband the doctors said they haven't seen any one as sick with Covid as she is, in 6 months. Thankfully she is fully vaccinated. Also down with Covid is our minister, who is at home but very ill, so that could impact upcoming Palm Sunday & other Easter celebration. A reminder that the virus is still around & you just never know who is going to get really sick with it.
Our weather continues to be grumpy, Old Man Winter has enjoyed himself & really doesn't see the need to move on. Ms Spring wants to be running the place now but she's too polite to kick the old fool out & is working along side him. I say to Old Man Winter, here's my hat, boots, coat & mittens, what's holding you up?
I am waiting in great anticipation to see if my planting (again) of snowdrops makes a showing.
Take care & hope everyone has a good week.
We are being taught not to worry about spelling because Autocorrect will fix. I am eternally grapefruit.
... unknown.
Good Morning. We have had another two rounds of snow storms in our region. Saturday & Sunday's snow fall was like living in a snow globe, very pretty at times, although late Saturday it felt like someone was giving the whole thing a right shaking. We couldn't even see across the field for several hours. Glad I was safe at home doing laundry. Wait did I just say glad to be doing laundry ... oh my the effects of an ongoing winter for sure.
Currently Reading: I've got a couple of cookbooks from the library, both from Milk Street collections. Maybe gleaned 1-2 recipes; an awful lot of recipes calling for fish sauce or hot spice & we cannot do either. Mostly doing some reading for my Lenten Study.
Currently Watching: On Brit Box, we found "Grace" - this is so far an excellent series, IOO (in our opinion). We haven't quite finished The Coroner, which for us is rather tough going, the last 3 episodes have been rather irritating, in that the story was weak, IOO.
Currently Celebrating: at church last Sunday (19th) we celebrated Mothering Sunday & of course we had the traditional Simnel Cake afterwards although this year, it was not decorated with the 11 marzipan balls, our baker lady couldn't find reasonably price marzipan. Once service & coffee hour were over, we celebrated with a drive by one of our parishioner's home as a way of celebrating her 90th birthday. She's not able to get out to church in person & watches online. Lots of honking as a line of 10 cars drove by her house. Hopefully her neighbours didn't complain.
Currently Planning: for church, we are hosting a King's Coronation celebration tea party for May 6th. So far I am making posters of King Charles' life; pictures from several of the other royalists magazine collections, brownies for the sweets tray & the CR III cutouts for the table floral vases.
Spring arrives in our part of the world on Monday, March 20th at 5:46pm. I'll leave you with a photo of my garden, taken a few days ago. Underneath all that snow, Mother Nature is doing her work & I repeat out loud several times a day ... "no winter lasts for ever"
March 2023 |
July 2022 |
And as photo of encouragement, this was the same garden view from July 2022 - there's hope & promise.
Dance like no one is watching, but email or text
like it will be read in court one day.
...source: unknown
Good Morning - I hope everyone is well. We had another snow storm on Friday - an accumulation of about 8cm. Thankfully it was fluffy snow & easily handled by our snowblower. We moved our clocks ahead one hour on Sunday morning & oh how I hope that this is the last time necessary - someone please make a decision to leave the clocks alone!!! (either that or we move to Saskatchewan were the clocks are not moved in either direction).
Currently Reading: The Light We Carry by Michelle Obama. I thought this was another OK book written by Michelle, a little too preachy for me in many parts of the book. Now having said that, I would definitely have Michelle Obama on my list of people I would invite to my "living or dead" tea party. My reason being is that my favourite line in this most recent writing of hers is about holding space for discussion. I also believe she is a woman that knows the power of being seen by another. Discussion is a long seemingly lost art of idea, feelings & thought exchange, IMO.
I finished The Cloisters & I was right to be cautiousness of a main character. Amazing how in just a few short sentences that an author had the ability to convey caution. There were parts of this book I liked, but overall I would not give this book much of a rating above a 7 out of 10. I really did not like the ending.
I have three cookbooks waiting for me to pick up at the library.
Currently Judging ... I know an odd thing to say, but recently I had a conversation with a friend about nothing, one thing we talked about was the "do you wash the underwear you are about to throw out before you throw out?" It is amazing how such a topic held our attention for at least 20 minutes of deep discussion. In the end we decided the washing or not washing before throwing out held little judgement about that person & much more judgement about the person going through someone's garbage to discover the potential horror of unwashed underwear.
Currently Excited: we had a chipmunk sighting on our patio Saturday morning - "he" was sitting on a snow drift waiting for me to rush about & throw out some peanuts. This to me is a sign of spring coming ... that & all the paired off Canadian geese holding up traffic on Friday as they waddled across the road from one field to another. It took them 10 minutes to cross! I did shout at them "you can fly!!!"
Currently On BritBox: we have discovered McDonald & Dodds. We like this series & very happy to read a 4th series is being undertaken. Mr Man is all for trying butter on his chips now!
And I'll leave you with this thought for the week ... could alien abduction be a possible holiday destination?
Good Morning. I trust & hope that everyone is well.
We had quite the snow storm late Friday into Saturday. In our region we got 27cm of snow. It was very wet & made it difficult for the snow blower to easily clear the driveway & walkway. Mr Man had to in the end do a lot of the clearing by hand (shovel). Late Saturday morning the sun came out & it was very enjoyable as it did the job of melting snow off the roof. As the snow melted on the roof & it slide down, there were great crashing sounds, which disturbed the cats in their sun puddle napping.
This isn't our car, but a neighbour's car/driveway after the snow plough went by. Took 3 of his teens an hour to dig out.
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Source: F/B |
Currently Reading: I just finished the first in a series, written by Julia Spencer-Fleming, In The Bleak Midwinter. More murder mystery. I really quite enjoy the main characters of the book. This was a book that once I started I just wanted to finish. We had an errand on Thursday to run & I just wanted to get that done so I could get back to my book. The author, IMO has the gift of writing in great quantity. She writes descriptions of location & characters that you can immediately form them in your mind's eye. I commented to Mr Man that how is some people can take many of the same words & form them into sentences that just capture you into their story, their gift. I cannot wait to get book two of this series.
I also started The Cloisters by Kathy Hays, (remember last week by mistake I requested The Cloister by James Carroll, which I read & liked). So far, I am liking this book, not totally bonded to the main character, yet, but there is one character that has me thinking, we need to be careful with this one.
Sitting waiting to be started is Michelle Obama's 2nd book "The Light We Carry".
Nothing much is planned for the week, it's busy with Mr Man appointments for the dentist, pre-op blood work taken & check up. The car also has an appointment for re-call adjustments. Thankfully I have books to read while I wait for all these appointments to be completed. Happy week to you all.
You can lie down for people to walk on you & they will still complain you are not flat enough.
Live your life.
... source unknown