Well that was a quick week & I am back to write about adventures from the patio, to write about what I received in the mail & what's news. I am adding a little something extra this Monday morning.
New from the patio, by late Friday afternoon with the very mild temperatures, all the snow was gone from front & back gardens. On my walks I couldn't see any snow anywhere, even on the shady side of the streets. Then Sunday morning a dusting of snow to remind us all, it is still winter.
Still on the new front; I had lunch with a friend on Friday. She gave me my Christmas present, a lovely horse shoe tree ornament. This particular friend baffles me to no end in the gift & card department. For my birthday this year (& most) she handed me my birthday card two months late with the exclamation that it keeps the celebrations going! Friday she gave me my Christmas gift two months after the fact with the same justification. My gifts & cards to her are always the day of or just before - I just don't know what to make of it. For now, I say thank you & will enjoy seeing the ornament on the tree in 10 months.

From the mail box, my most exciting piece of mail was the Costco Connection magazine sharing with me all the special buys & what's coming to a warehouse near me. On the Canadian front cover is a couple who host several D.I.Y. shows. I know one of his brothers. Mr Man & myself, use to be regular viewers of most of his shows, but like so many reality shows, someone is made to look the fool & someone the hero & usually it's her that is made to look foolish & for us it grew boring really quickly.
My little something extra today is; What's New From The Shopping Cart!
I have mentioned before, this July 1st, Canada celebrates 150 years of confederation; the merging & creating the formal Canada as we know it today. 150 years ago not all provinces were part of confederation but today we boast 10 provinces & 3 territories.
Anyway, back to the shopping cart ... This weekend I found several seed packages advertising blooms in Canada's colours of red & white. These packages of seeds are all annuals. I cannot wait to get planting, which will be indoors later this month. Traditionally in this part of Canada (Ontario) we usually don't set out annuals until after the Victoria Day weekend (this year May 22nd). Starting indoors gives them a head start & means blooms earlier than if set straight out in the garden. I am very excited about all my celebration garden ideas. Last fall, in the front gardens I planted about 50 specialty created Canada tulips, along with planting a white with a red centre, Rose of Sharon. During the Boxing Day sales we bought several strands of red & white outdoor Christmas lights to string out for July 1st.
There are exactly as many special occasions in life as we choose to celebrate. Robert Brault