Monday, March 07, 2022

Me On A Monday - March 7th


Good Morning.  Weather wise, we have been having a bit of a melt. So thankful to see some of the snow going. 

I received a most beautiful card in the mail last week from Ruth - she doesn't think she's a card maker, but trust me this card gives Hallmark a run for their money!  It came at the right time as I really needed some cheering.

Currently Reading:  I just finished reading The Music Shop, which was the 3rd in a row book by Rachel Joyce.  I did not hate, but I did not like.  I was not able to bond with or care about the characters.  

Thank you Karen for referring Lenten-Good Enough-Guide by Kate Bowler. 

Currently Sorting: through lots of paper notes from meetings from previous jobs & church council meetings.  After reading through Joy at Work, thank you Susanne for bringing to my attention, I thought this was an easy task to take on for some immediate joy. Shredding can be such a joyful task. 


I am going to take a break from Me On Monday for a few weeks.  I'll be back on Monday March 28th.  I will still have some wisdom to share on Wednesdays.

And I'll leave you with this thought ... "if we are to rest in peace, why can't we live in peace?"


  1. Glad to read that you are having some warmer weather. Enjoy your paper shredding! I hope the reasons for taking a break is to have some fun; will look forward to the Wednesday wisdom posts until you return on Mondays. Be at peace, wherever you are and whatever you do. :)

    1. Thanks Bless. Next week is March Break, when all the schools outside of the univ. take a week off, then it's time to prepare for a return to the office (or not).

  2. That certainly is a lovely piece of Happy Mail - what a thoughtful friend she is :-)
    I'm pleased to hear that winter is finally giving way to a little bit of spring for you and look forward to seeing you back here in a couple of weeks x

    1. Thanks Deb. Real Spring is at least 6 weeks away for us, but it is surprising how quickly the sun's rays melt the snow.

  3. Ooh, thank you for your kind words!
    Enjoy your short break.

    1. Your card was perfectly timed & of course there's lots of wonderful pink :)

      It is March Break or as some call it March madness. Time will be needed for sorting out some next steps & catch up.

  4. Ruth's card is wonderful, and a perfect "taste" of spring! One very warm day here melted a good portion of the snow in our yard. It's supposed to rain all day so I'm guessing we might have green lawn for a day or so before the next snow arrives. I find any kind of cleaning out to bring a bit of joy! Happy shredding!

    1. We had lots of freezing rain on Monday morning, bad enough schools & school buses canceled & a couple of meetings postponed as roads were closed. I was just thankful that my solar patio lights are now visible with the wee bit of a melt.

  5. That’s a lovely card.

    Yesterday, we were able to chip our driveway down to the bare pavement.

    1. The card certainly cheered me. Freezing rain Monday, snow overnight ... oh winter go away!

  6. Shredding! I agree that it is a satisfying activity lol I take joy in the little things :)

    1. It is all about the simple things, the small pleasures ... take the joy where found!

  7. I have The Music Shop on my list of books to read but other people have said the same as you about not being able to connect with the characters, so I may give it a miss.

    Shredding is probably my least favourite admin task so am trying to work out how it's a joyful task for you. I must be missing something.

    Enjoy your break. You will be missed and I look forward to your return at the end of the month. xx

    1. Thanks Eileen. I hope that I'll be able to come to grips with the last items on the WPSH!! In shredding, I play this game of who is this sheet of paper; rude person at the township, shredded! leader of an invading country ... shredded! (col)

  8. Hugs. I hope that you enjoy your break.

    1. Thanks. It will be a busy 2 weeks sorting out what to do with the changes in weather & restrictions.

  9. It's snowing again here, not much but everything is white once more.

    1. On Monday we had freezing rain for a few hours, then it turned to snow :( My comfort is that it is March, winter is leaving ... eventually :)

  10. I received one of Ruth's cards, too - such a great lift to the day! Last week it was gorgeous & sunny here, temps in the 70s (F) ... but this week we're back down in the 40s & it's gray today. Nothing like what y'all've had, of course, but I'm looking forward to next week when this cold snap will be over & we'll have one of the great-nieces here for spring break. :)

    1. Oh what fun for you & Robbie to have the G-nieces in for a break. I'll look to F/B for updates :)

  11. What a lovely, colourful card - a real uplift in these uncertain times. Such a kind thing to do. I've been doing a lot of clearing too and there's real energy released in saying goodbye to things we no longer need, isn't there ... Wishing you a happy break and looking forward to your return :).

    1. Thank you Alexa. I agree about the energy & after reading about the silent to do's from the book Goodbye Things, I've felt more intune with the energy the clutter was making, so very glad to get that dealt with & encourage more of the happy positive energizing vibs.

  12. Well, glad you are finding good from Joy At Work. I agree shredding is very satisfying. We will miss you on Monday, but isn't it good to have other things on the calendar!
