Monday, April 24, 2023

Me On A Monday - April 24th

Good Morning. What a lovely start to the day. We've had a few days of much needed rain. The garden has had a lovely wake up drink to begin the setting of blooms for the summer.                     

Currently Crafting: after a fairly long break from my crafting table, I was able to get some card making in between loads of laundry; wash, dry, fold, repeat ... I'll say no more.  I made a variety of card themes & I made one card that I am particularly proud of - no photo just yet as I'm sending off to a friend that reads my blog.  I find that when I craft a card that I like, I tend to have more success in the whole process.  Although I do note, that my cards are made with love, not perfection.  These are four of the cards I made - salutations labels have been left off for now as I'm not sure if birthday greetings or just a note greeting. 

Cups of Cheer

pots of cheer

I haven't done much if any scrap booking in several weeks - I'm just not taking as many photos.  I must do something to remedy this.  

We are just over half way through the 100 Day Project - I need to get a push on.

Currently ReadingBabel; Or The Necessity of Violence. An Arcane History of the Oxford Translators' Revolution, a novel by R.F. Kuang. I'm not entirely sure what I think of this book - I'm about 1/4 of the way through & I find that I am liking some of the pages, enjoying the story, but then there's about 2-3 pages that I just don't like & find rather difficult to plod through. Some I've had to re-read, just to keep the flow going.  So far I am committed to keep reading, for now.

Currently Watching: The start of series 3 of Grace on Brit Box. Spoiler Alert:   knew that Sandy was alive right from the beginning ...

Currently In Awe: of five Fox kits.  The house where I cat sit, house sit, pool enjoy, has a family of Mom, Dad & 5 baby Foxes.  I don't think I have ever been this close to Foxes, let alone the babies. I am in absolute love.  Foxes are native to our region, & most have been extremely wary of humans (a good thing). The only draw back, is that they have a den under the pool edging, which could weaken the pool ... hopefully Mom & Dad Fox will move the family out into the woods, just behind the pool fence.  My friend, the home owner, is checking with the vet as how to provide a mange mites vaccine to prevent future problems for this family.  

Currently In The Garden: I haven't had any new clumps of that nasty invasive garlic mustard sprout, so maybe in the garden, I've at least won this battle, although the war with it, does rage on.  I've got several clumps of Daffodils blooming; such a sunshine yellow of happiness.  There are signs of tulips with flower buds - not all lost to the roaming bunnies. We set up the patio furniture on Friday, before the rains started, that makes it feel like the season of spring/summer has truly begun. I put the bird bath up & filled. I don't keep upright during the winter, because the water freezing cracks it.  I've been monitoring the F/B page that tracks the Hummingbirds' return to our region - they are expected to arrive later this week. I will get my Hummingbird feeder out & filled & ready for these hungry little charmers.  Normally I would put out some orange slices for the Orioles return, which happens about the same time, but at the price of oranges, I'm afraid they will have to share in the Hummingbird nectar of sugar water.                   

 Now I go to put together a grocery shopping list, which I have to do so that it is healthy me doing the shopping, not chubby me trying to remember what's on the list & that cookies, biscuits, crisps are not healthy snacks!  I hope every one has a delightful week.


  1. How lovely to live somewhere that has hummingbirds visiting the garden. We do see a few 'urban' foxes from time to time locally but they aren't seen as welcome visitors by many people. I have seen one casually crossing the road nearby our local pub - I wonder if he's there to sample the beer?

    1. I try to encourage the Hummingbirds to visit not only with a feeder but with plants that flower in reds & are tubular in bloom as I've read that's what they like to feed on. I think because we use to have a large coyote population, it was not safe for foxes to den in their territory, but with the reduction of the coyotes I think we'll see a few more foxes. I prefer foxes to coyotes.

  2. I am sure that anyone who receives a card from you is delighted!

    1. Thank you Ruth. I need more time at my craft table & I just got a bunch of photos printed so there should be scrapping any day now :)

  3. Those cards look VERY good. Shop well and have a great week.

    1. Thanks John. Grocery shopping these days is not for the faint of heart; prices are ridiculous especially for fresh produce.

  4. Yes, we always knew she was alive, too. I think dragging that idea out all this time has slowed the pace too much. I'd like more emphasis on the crimes and less on his personal drama.

    Foxes! How exciting! We saw our first hummingbird last week (west Tennessee) and set the feeder up the nest day. So much fun to watch :)

    1. I've seen on YouTube where some people are fortunate enough to get many Hummingbirds, all at once. There is a gentleman in town that gets Orioles on mass at his feeders. I'm lucky if I get 1 or 2 of the Hummers in a day. We get the pesky Crows, Blue Jays, Starlings & Grackles on mass. I am more interested in Grace's work than his love life :)

  5. Haven't been able to find Grace at the library or on Hoopla so must live in hope that it appears soon. Your cards are beautiful. Anyone who receives one will be delighted, I'm sure!

    1. Thanks Chris. We get Grace on Brit Box. I am a simple card maker, I don't do a lot of the fancy folds or stamping but what I do I enjoy, so I hope that gets through to the receiver. :)

  6. Lovely cards! Did you make them with the papers you already had in your stash?
    It's always fun to see the garden waking up to spring, isn't it? And baby foxes! How cute they must be! Hope they'll move out of the den before the pool is damaged!

    1. Thank you Bless. Yes the papers were already in my stash, I am holding strong on my resolve not to buy any more papers! It's been a bit too chilly to be in the garden long, but it at least allows the daffodils to last longer. I've taken a soccer ball over for the kits to play with - we found in our yard a few days back, no one claimed :)

  7. Love the cards--those patterned papers are delightful, and I love the doily on the second card. We live in a pretty busy suburb but occasionally see a fox or two crossing our dead-end street. I always wonder where they've been and where they are going. Tracy has cleared all the garden beds but there won't be any planting for at least a month.

    1. Thank you Karen. I am not at your level of card making, but I certainly enjoy the days where I seem to be getting it. (col). I spent 1 1/2 yesterday just watching the 5 baby foxes play & I kept saying, OM goodness, they are so cute. They now look like foxes but still have the blue eyes. I am hoping that Blogger is going to be nice & let me load some of the photos of them.
