Monday, August 28, 2023

Me On A Monday - August 28th


Good Morning.  I am coming to grips that this is the last Monday in August. It seems I blinked & the month is gone.  Although I cannot complain that it wasn't a good month.  Lots of joys throughout the month.  I had a craving for Costco's "slab birthday cake" & while I knew it was too big for us, I did find a copy cat recipe for it, which I made for my birthday.  Oh My Goodness, the filling was simply the easier thing to make & Oh My Goodness it was delicious beyond anything I had hoped for.  My icing was too sweet for me, but easy to make.  I will share the recipe as a separate post later today.

Currently Reading: I started to read The Beguiling, a book that I had read the jacket description for & was intrigued but once I started reading the book, I was more than disappointed.  This is a book that I really want to send the author a bill for my time wasted & I didn't even finish the book.  Thankfully I had a few other enjoyable reads; The Secret River & A Room Made of Leaves by Kate Grenville.  

I also read, The Fifth Business by Robertson Davies For anyone in the theatre, a fifth business character is neither the hero/herione, the confidante nor villain, but which were none the less essential in the plot to bring about the Recognition or denouement.  The fifth business character while unremarkable is vital to several of the main characters story. Have you ever been the fifth business in someone's life or in a specific situation? 

Currently In The Garden:  I've read in a local F/B Garden Group, that I am part of, that 6 weeks after the first Golden Rod blooms are seen, we can expect the first frost.  If that is true, then this area can expect the first frost end of September!!!  Golden Rod for the most part in our region is a weed & grows in abundance on the side of the road & in wild fields.  Golden Rod is often confused with Ragweed which is the hay fever inducer at this time of year.  A big difference between the two is that Golden Rod has bright yellow flowers that contain nectar for pollinating insects. Ragweed has inconspicuous flowers that do not contain nectar but a light pollen that blows easily on the wind. 

Currently Making Choices:  I will be taking a break from Me On A Monday & Wisdom Wednesday for the month of September.  I will return on Monday October 2nd with the link in for the final SPSH finds.  

I may not be as regular checking in with you either.  There are some projects in my life either as the main character or the fifth business that need tending to.  

Be well my friends & I hope you enjoy the last of summer's joys. 🙌


  1. I hope your projects go well. We'll miss hearing from you, but I think taking a break is always a good idea. I seem to post rather inconsistently all the time, but this summer it's been more hit or miss. I have more personal time than usual this week, so hope to post more often for a week or so. I've never heard the "wisdom" about golden rod. We have new bikes and have been riding this weekend and I can attest it is in full bloom!

    1. Oh that sounds fun, you & Tracy out bike riding together; I haven't had my bike out of the shed at all this season. I'll review how I feel about blogging after the break ... never say never (lol).

  2. The chipmunk's adorable. The cake looks delicious. I'll check out the recipe, thx!

    1. We haven't had as many chipmunks this season, maybe because I'm not leaving peanuts out - trying to be rid of squirrels but keeping chipmunks is work (lol). I'll be making half that cake again for Mr Man's birthday, but I'll make the filling chocolate for his.

  3. I hope you have a lovely break from blogging and your projects go well. Take care of yourself and enjoy the last days of summer!

    1. Thanks Bless. As my Gran use to say, a change is as good as a rest ... I'll still pop around to check in with you, just not as often :)

  4. I don't have any Golden Rod so I'm taking it, that it means no frost for us :0). Enjoy your time away from blogging. I hope all goes well with whatever you have to do. Take care.

  5. That's a great shot of the cute chip monk and I hope you had a lovely birthday!
