Monday, June 03, 2024

Me On A Monday - June 3rd


To everything, there is a season and a time for every purpose under  heaven ... (Ecclesiastes 3. 1)

The time has come, the Walrus said, to talk of many things ... (Lewis Carroll)

From The First Me On A Monday, June 8 2015

It was on this day in 2015 that I made my first blog post ... and now the time has come for my last blog post ... of course never say never.  I may post some Wisdom over the summer, just to keep the blog open & current, in case I pick up this thread again.

And before I forget, Ruth & her Best Friend are hosting this year's Summer Photo Scavenger Hunt (SPSH).  Ruth's link for the list can be found at: This West London Life - 2024 SPSH

Thank you all, for your support & fellowship over the last 9 years, it's been interesting. 💝

From The Last Me On A Monday - June 3rd 2024


  1. I'm so sad to read that you will be ending your blog. I have enjoyed reading it and seeing the lovely cards you make. I do hope that you will post occasionally and maybe change your mind about ending your blog. But, whatever you decide to do, I wish you and Mr. Man all the best in health and happiness as you go forward.

    1. Thank you Bless. I'm sure I'll have a post or two over the summer & of course I'll be dropping by to "stroll" through your garden to know what's growing & checking in with Dancer & Mama Cat.

  2. There goes another one. Sorry to lose you. Be well.

    1. Thank you John. I'll be popping in & out to check on your photo creations & what Sue is up to with her creations.

  3. Sad doesn't even begin to describe how I feel about this! I hope we find some way to continue our "conversations." You know that I keep both you and Mr. Man on my prayer list--and will continue to do so.

    1. Thank you Karen, I know we'll be in touch plus I need to check in for card making ideas.

  4. I'm sad to see you leaving the blog world - but I'm glad to have made a friend in you. My best wishes to you and Mr. Man and I know we'll keep in touch. x

    1. Thanks Ruth. You know we'll be in touch & of course I'll be popping around to check on your adventures & keep current with book recommendations.

  5. I've enjoyed your blog, and I'll keep subscribed so I'll get notice if you do come back. I wish you and yours all the best going forward.

    Isn't it fun to see the changes in a garden over time :)

    1. Thanks. I do like to keep track of the changes in the garden, it is most of scrapping projects. I'm sure I'll be popping in to visit & check on what movies catch your eye.

  6. Well, that does make me sad. You have to do what is best for you!

    1. Thanks Jenn. I'll be around to check in with Crumbly Acres & the tales of Fred & Freda ..

  7. I will miss your insightful thoughts. Stay well and keep in touch!

    1. Thank you Chris. I will be popping by your blog to check in.

  8. Congrats on your 9 years of blogging. Have s super summer.

    1. Thank you Gil. It certainly seems only a short while I was beginning all this. Of course I'll be around to visit you - you keep me informed on some excellent shopping options :)

  9. I'll be sad to see you go, but totally understand. I wish you and Mr Man all the best for whatever comes next xx

    1. Thanks Liz. Of course I'll be around to see how you, the renos, the garden & of course the very handsome fur boys are progressing. :)

  10. Oh no! I'm so sorry to see you leaving blogland - I shall miss your weekly updates. Take care, and thanks for so many years of interesting posts x

  11. I came back after a long break and just saw this post. I am so sorry to see you are leaving. I really enjoyed your photo scavenger hunts.

    1. Thanks Nil. Maybe a long break is just what I need, so it may not be a forever not blogging. :)
