Monday, November 16, 2020

Me On A Monday - November 16th

Good Morning,  I hope that everyone has enjoyed their morning beverage of choice.  

Sorry I'm late getting around to visit your blogs or posting mine.  We had a BIG storm yesterday that had 100/mph winds that knocked our power out on 3 occasions; 1 time the power was off for 5 hours - right at dinner into bed time.  It's temporarily repaired in our area & we will have a controlled power outage later this morning ... so now down to business.

It has been a week of many emotions.  Much of the news is dominated by worsening COVID new infection cases, everywhere.  I am not sure about you, but all this has me feeling very over whelmed with sadness, grief & anger.  I am not sleeping well.

And speaking of too much, I have seen so many F/B memes, many of which I totally agree with but one in particular stuck out for me.  Our health care workers are no longer the front line workers, they are our last defense & that we, each & every one of us, are the front line now - it is up to us to get these numbers under control.  I also found this week's Wisdom's quote among all the gloom about COVID.  Not to worry it is quite positive. I've printed it out & it's posted on the frig.

And speaking of positive, the county I live in, is now in the Orange category-Restrict,  because of all the positive tests for COVID.  Our Chief Medical Officer took a very hard line when reviewing the rising new cases & found the largest source of new infections in our region, were coming from the old order of Mennonites & since they will not/would not wear face masks or social distance, it was deemed necessary to close their schools & churches.  A tough but a necessary decision. Our medical officer is being heavily criticized for this, but she continues to work with the leaders of this community to find a resolution.  In the county just west of  us the rising numbers are attributed to the university students partying like it's 1999 ... (thanks Prince).  I've yet to see what measures are being taken.  It looks like Christmas will be very restrictive this year as I'm sure we'll be moving to a total lockdown.  Our local hospitals do not have that many ICU beds to begin with.

And speaking of Christmas, my good blog friend, Ruth at This West London Life, sent me some COVID Christmas journal boxes, which certainly cheered me up.  I spent a lot of time on the weekend finishing my 2019 December Daily album.  That felt good to have it finally done.

And speaking of blog friends, Eileen at A Bracelet of Days, posted last week her craving for cheese scones, which then created a need in me.  I baked up a small batch of cheese scones & oh my they were tasty.  Eileen has now had a craving for Thumbprint cookies, so I will bake some of them .  My waistline will need to watch these posts (lol).

And speaking of waistlines, I need to up my walking routines which have been only a few times in the last couple of weeks when I meet my friend at the fairgrounds. Mr Man hates to walk & I'm so bored walking alone.  But through my online Zoom bible study group, one of the ladies in my breakout group turns out, lives down the street from me & she likes to walk.  We have a walking, weather dependent, date for Wednesday afternoon. SO maybe I'll be inspired to walk more often.  

So that's my update for today, I'll see you Wednesday for wisdom sharing.  Be well, be careful, wear a mask & stay home.


  1. Ooh, I haven't had cheese scones in years!
    Thanks for mentioning me. :)

    1. You are most welcome to the mention. I've printed out on the good stiff white & have set to decorating my Stay Home card.

      I'm about to bake a second batch of cheese scones.

  2. Have I started a 'thing' about cheese scones? It will probably be gingerbread biscuits this week as I have all the ingredients in the cupboard.

    1. You have started something! :) I am not a huge gingerbread fan, so that will be easy to "resist" "resist" (I've said in my mind with a Dalek voice)

  3. Power outages are inconvenient to say the least, and I don't like doing without heat :( I'm tired of Covid-19, as is everyone, and I'm looking forward to a vaccine that works. Now if we can just get folks to take it. The FB and Twitter memes provide some of my daily laughs, but sometimes they bring up that one point we need to keep in mind.

    Your Prince reference made me smile :)

    Your cheese scones look tasty. I saw that post, too, and dug out old recipes. I need some comfort over these restricted holidays. I exercise, but I don't walk. I'm not sure why. I used to really enjoy walking even by myself, and it would get me out of the house...

    1. I do hope that during your Thanksgiving celebrations, people remember not to invite COVID to their home by disregarding the rules & restrictions ... OK a girl can hope. My family in California & Georgia are all planning for tight family celebrations although the Georgia relatives seem to have their own idea what "tight" means!

  4. Oh dear - bad luck with the storms already. I hope it isn't going to be another one of "those" winters for you! The scones look great and the "front line" quote is quite correct. I am not really sure what kind of lockdown we have here. The exemptions are more than during the last one, admittedly, but judging by the traffic on the roads, you'd never guess anything other than normal life was in play!

    1. Last night was the 2nd night in a row of lengthy power outages & a forecast today of high winds from across the lake bringing lake effect snow! Our new colour coding restrictions are confusing which doesn't help with getting people on board to restrictions - we have decided to self isolate just to get out of the circle of crazy.

  5. Home made cheese scones are a big favourite with our grandchildren and I always have a supply made and frozen ready for their visits. But the best way to eat a cheese scone is fresh out of the oven!
    Sorry to hear you have been having power cuts, let's hope that is the end of them now. It is interesting to see where Covid outbreaks are being instigated and it is a shame that they have had to take drastic action, but we all need to play our part, not just to keep ourselves safe, but everyone else. It seems as if the places here which have seen a surge in numbers are all university towns too. It was kind of inevitable that it would happen, these kids are away from home for the first time and just want to socialise, it must be so hard to keep them to stick to the rules.
    We are doing our best to follow the rules as strictly as we can and as far as I know, our friends and family are doing the same, but we all know of people who aren't. Let's hope this vaccine news is something positive to hold onto for the new year.

    1. I need to bake more scones, now I crave white chocolate with cranberry! The spread of COVID is so easily done & COVID doesn't care who you are, where you are from or what your beliefs are ... it's just looking for an available host. I wonder how many will take the vaccine? We will.

  6. That wind was frightening! We didn't have any power outages, but even Tracy agreed it was pretty awful! Like you, we have additional restrictions, but I think Cuomo should do even more. He's left restaurants open for indoor dining, and that just seems foolish. Family gatherings are limited to 10 which seems like a lot, but Betsy's family equals 10 without anyone else. Although they've been in our bubble for some time, we're skipping Ella's birthday party which makes me sad, but it's definitely necessary---plus it puts them over the limit! No end in sight here. Hopefully, the President-Elect will be able to get some of the governors who refuse to impose restrictions in line come January. The question is how many will be infected by then.

    1. Our provincial Premiere keeps threatening more restrictions but he's suddenly being like that parent in the grocery store with the naughty children ... just you wait, I swear if you don't stop now ...

  7. Gosh, what a lot you have going on :(. That sounds really tough ... We are in lockdown here, with no idea what will happen about Christmas, family etc. The numbers keep rising despite everything. Your cheese scones look delicious, and just the thing for a bit of spirit-lifting in this 'bleak midwinter'.

    1. I've made a 2nd batch of scones, I like far too much & cannot stop at just one! I believe it's going to be a long COVID winter's nap for the world, let's just hope many wake up from this slumber.

  8. Your cheese scones look very tasty! I have to admit that I've never made scones, but, my daughter assures me that they are easy to make. :)

    1. Scones are indeed easy to make Bless, I've sure with your baking skills you'll master in no time :)

  9. Scones look yummy. My friend L keeps telling me of all these sweet treats she has been baking. I've have been trying to fight the urge to make peanut fudge for nearly a week.

    1. I enjoy baking but I really enjoy eating my own creations & there lives my biggest problem (lol). Peanut fudge - can you half the recipe or could you freeze 1/2 of it? I am struggling with the idea & tradition of Christmas baking ... do I - because normally I can give away more than half of it, but not this pandemic year :(
