Friday, December 23, 2022

Merry & Happy Christmas



We are currently under a Winter Storm / Blizzard Warning for Friday & Saturday.  All travel is advised against & there will be reduced visibility with blowing snow.  If you have ever driven during a winter storm you know how scary white outs are.   Stay safe all my Ontario friends.


  1. Your weather forecast has been in our news, it sounds like the kind of weather where you don't leave the house but stay wrapped up warm beside the fire until it's passed over. Keep safe x

  2. So glad that I will only have to drive the 2k across town.

  3. We are as well. Hard to know just how hard we're going to be hit, but no one I know who was planning on traveling is going anywhere until this passes through. Stay safe and warm!

  4. That doesn't sound like much fun! Stay safe and warm, and hope you both have a lovely Christmas xx

  5. Echoing the remarks from Deb ... stay safe and keep warm.
    And Happy Christmas to you and Mr Man. x

  6. Certainly not weather to be doing any last minute Christmas shopping! Glad I have no need to be anywhere for the next couple of days. Stay safe!

  7. That sounds like one nasty storm! Hope you are able to stay home and keep warm and safe!
    Wish you and your husband a very happy Christmas.
