Monday, February 05, 2024

Me On A Monday - February 5th

 Good Morning.  Happy to report that our local groundhog did NOT see his shadow on the morning of February 2nd - so that means an early spring.  My little grumble about this, is spring arrives roughly the same time every year, March 20th -22nd.  The big difference for us is the not the first day of spring, but the first spring like day & that is not until April. Rant over.

Currently Reading:  The Berry Pickers, a debt novel from a Canadian author, Amanda Peters: July 1962. A Mi’kmaq family from Nova Scotia arrives in Maine to pick blueberries for the summer. Weeks later, four-year-old Ruthie, the family’s youngest child, vanishes. She is last seen by her six-year-old brother, Joe, sitting on a favorite rock at the edge of a berry field. Joe will remain distraught by his sister’s disappearance for years to come.  

I am enjoying this book, I like the characters for the most part. 

Currently Revealing:  I received this gorgeous hat just before Christmas from someone at church.  She originally purchased for the birthday celebrations of a friend when they celebrated at the Queen's Plate (horse race), in 2022. The hat also saw some Queen's Platinum Jubilee celebrations.  I was so grateful & I had just the perfect blouse in my closet that was a very close match to the hat colour & material. I wore to church on New Year's Eve. I was feeling quite regal.

Currently Confirmed: In our region of the province, we normally get an average of 80 hours of sunshine in January.  It has been confirmed that January 2024 we got only17 hours!  

Thankfully February has started out well, with several days in a row of glorious sunshine.  I even got Mr Man to go outside with me for a walk.  Why the media didn't cover this story, I'll never know (laughing out loud). You could say Mr Man is leaning towards being a Suckrificer.

Happy week to you. 

 ...Suckrifice, doing what you absolutely must, even though you really, really hate it.  


  1. That is indeed a beautiful hat and I would definitely look for several occasions in which to wear it! Chuckling at 'suckrifice' - Well done to Mr. Man! :)

    1. Mr Man has definitely owned suckrifice during our walks (col). My current challenge for the hat is to find in my wardrobe other items that would make the hat an outfit.

  2. I did smile when I read of Mr Man’s sufrificing, what a lovely word!
    Pleased you are enjoying The Berry Pickers, I enjoyed reading it when it was our book club choice.

    1. I don't think Norma's parents were nice people, no matter their reasons, but the rest of the characters I certainly liked. Mr Man certainly grumbles about walking :) I still encourage him to go with me, outside in the fresh air (col).

  3. Wow, your sunshine sure is due you now! Loved the chapeau! Laughing at suckrifice!

    1. Mr Man certainly let me know on our walks how much he does not like walking! I really like wearing hats.

  4. Lack of sunlight confirmed. But it is sunny out there this morning.

    1. It is amazing how much joy I felt at two days of brilliant sunshine.

  5. That is a beautiful hat! I'm glad you are getting some sunshine now to make up for all those gloomy days in January!

    1. Thanks Bless. I'm trying to work out what other items I have in my existing closet that would go well with the hat. Our weather is turning again, it was overcast all day Monday :(
