Wednesday, December 09, 2020

Wisdom Wednesday

 This week's wisdom quote is one I have seen on a few Christmas sites & all take credit for it .. no matter who said it first, I think it's a very good reminder especially since I also read that 6 out of 10 Christmas shoppers are trying to out-gift their friends or family members.  To me that is very sad.


It is 

A celebration


A competition




  1. I hear this as a call to look at what the season means. It's sad that people use this to try to one-up each other :(

  2. Happy to report that I am one of the 4 out of 10 that don't! It is a shame that sometimes the true meaning of Christmas is lost.

  3. Out gifting? What a horrible concept!

    1. I have never heard of out-gifting, and it sounds horrible. Uppermost in my mind when choosing a gift is making sure it is something that will be used/enjoyed by the receiver. That is all! (However, if anyone wants to shower me with a fleet of yachts and priceless jewels, they can go right ahead!!! Hehehehe...!)

    2. Sorry, wasn't meant to be a reply. It took me three goes to post that comment... must have been gremlins in the system!

    3. There seems to be commenting gremlins for me with those using Typepad :(
