Monday, December 25, 2023

Merry Christmas - The Twelve Days


On the first day of Christmas I pray for you joy in abundance and laughter, for laughter cures our ills and joy makes our spirits soar.

On the second day of Christmas, I pray for you a sigh when you need one, for a sigh clears the heart as a cough clears the throat, and with a sigh comes acceptance of what we cannot change.

On the third day of Christmas, I pray for you tears when you need them, for tears clear the eyes to see the stars and cleanse the soul to let healing being.

On the fourth day of Christmas, I pray for you serenity, for fights and wars start in individual breaths and that is where they must end.

On the fifth day of Christmas, I pray for you wisdom, for our priceless gift is the gift of choice - and we should use it well every day, in word and deed.

On the sixth day of Christmas, I pray for you patience, for most troubles pass if we wait them out, and success comes with persistence.

On the seventh day of Christmas, I pray for you courage, for there may be many pitfalls and dangers ahead and problems can only be solved when they are faced.

On the eighth day of Christmas, I pray for you compassion, for we cannot help others until we understand them, and we cannot understand them until we walk in their shoes.

On the ninth day of Christmas, I pray for you a willingness to work, for work turns dreams to reality-whether the dreams are ours or belong to those we can help.

On the tenth day of Christmas, I pray for you unwavering faith, for faith shapes our morals and our destiny and draws us closer to God.

On the eleventh day of Christmas, I pray for you a mind full of hope, for hope determines our attitudes, sets our goals and creates our ideals.

On the twelfth day of Christmas, I pray for you a heart so full of love that every day you must give some away to those whose paths you cross.


  1. What beautiful thoughts ❤️ Merry Christmas!

    1. Thank you. I hope your Christmas was peaceful. This post was actually meant to be for today (26th). No matter, spreading the joy is good for any day!

  2. Replies
    1. Thanks Jenn, I hope you & JB had a happy Christmas. Cannot wait to see who visits you in 2024 on the trail cams.

  3. What a beautiful Christmas prayer! I wish you a joyful Christmas!

    1. Thank you Bless. This post was meant for the 26th, no matter, 12 days of blessings can start any time (col).

  4. This is so wonderful! I've copied and pasted into my notes! Hope you had a joyous Christmas!

    1. We had a very quiet happy Christmas. These 12 blessings remind me to focus on gratefulness & not the after Christmas sales.

  5. Gosh - that was quite a post. It must have taken you ages to compose - or do these deep thoughts come naturally? I have read through a couple of times. (Hope some of it sticks!) Best wishes for the rest of the Christmas season and the new year - especially good health for you both, including Mr Man's eyes.

    1. It was a combo of reading something similar, paraphrasing a few & a few of my own. We know that "curing" Mr Man's eye problems isn't going to happen, so we'll take maintaining & no further set backs. :)
